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There are only a few rules for you to follow! :D

If you do not follow these rules, you will be expelled from the competetion, and in an "extreme" situation expelled from the account (though I doubt this will happen!)


1. Be kind to those who are participating. I do not care if you don't like someone else's entry. I do not care if you thought you should've won instead of someone else. You have no right to make fun of them or say mean comments. Constructive criticism is fine, but we do not accept anything harsh. This is supposed to be a fun and safe experience, don't ruin it for others. 

2. Please don't complain about our decisions. If you aren't picked as a winner or honourable mention, please don't go raging on us on why you should've won. It's a competetion, so there will be "winners" and "losers". There will always be chances for you to win! 

3. Be kind to yourself. If you lose, don't get mad at yourself! There are many oppuritinutes out there for you to try again, and there is ALWAYS room for IMPROVEMENT. No one is perfect. I will always be happy over any of your entries, regardless if you win or not. 

4. HAVE FUN. Like this is the entire point of this whole thing, and this account! Seriously this is a MUST. 

For now the people who are judging your entries will be 107awesome and PJOandHoOandHPfan

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