Chapter 6-Breakfast and other things

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The writing should be better from here on out. This story's gonna be relatively short, maybe 15 chapters. Once I finish it I'm gonna go through and edit it.

Chapter song -
Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid

9:00 AM
Marinette POV

Marinette groaned lightly, turning over in bed. She smelled bacon and eggs in the kitchen. She also heard the Couffaine's, trying to be quiet so they wouldn't wake her as they made breakfast. She didn't have any way to block the sun coming from the window, so she threw back the blanket and crawled out of bed.

She grabbed her hair brush and made her way to the floor length mirror on the back of the door. The mirror looked cheap, with a plastic frame and slightly dirty glass. It was probably from the dollar store, but Mari didn't mind.

She brushed through her hair she best she could-though it still looked like the beginning of a birds nest. She threw on her black and green hoodie-which was slightly oversized-and made her way into the kitchen.

Luka was the first to notice her presence. "Morning, Mari," he smiled at her. He was up at the stove, making the bacon while his mother cooked the eggs.

"Morning," Mari yawned back. Juleka chuckled, smiling at her.

"Come take a seat, sleepy,"

Marinette shot Juleka a tired, playful glare as she sat next to her.

Luka and his mother passed them plates of bacon and eggs as the say across from them, smiling.

Marinette couldn't help but smile at the atmosphere of the Couffaine household. It reminded her of home in a way, but it was a bit more carefree.

Ms. Couffaine turned to Luka, "What were ya doing out so late, Luka? Ya came home pretty late,"

Luka bit his lip, looking down at his plate. "Sorry Ma, the project took a bit longer than expected,"

He shot Mari a sly wink, to which she just rolled her eyes and scoffed lightly. The others didn't seem to notice.

"I'd like a bit of a heads up next time, laddy. Or it's gonna be you scrubbin' the toilets around here for the next month."

Luka's head shot up, his eyes wide. "Ok, ok! It won't happen again," he sounded panicked. Marinette and Juleka giggled, sending each other a knowing glance.

The four of them talked and laughed for a while, enjoying their breakfasts.

Eventually, Ms. Couffaine stood, putting her plate into the sink. "Alright, I've got to get to work. Luka, take care of the girls while I'm away. Since Ladybug trusted ya enough to give ya a miraculous, you should be responsible enough to take care of em'." Before either of the siblings could protest, Ms. Couffaine kissed them on the tops of their heads and left.

When Marinette became the official guardian, as well as Ladybug, the akuma attacks became more dangerous and intense. It became too much for her and Cat Noir to handle on their own, so she entrusted most of the previous miraculous owners with their miraculous. Permanently. These people included Luka, Alix, Max, Alya, Nino, and Kagami. It came with a risk; after all, their identities had been revealed, but they all thought that it was worth it to help protect Paris.

Juleka sighed. "As much as I'd love to stay with you, Mari, I have a date with Rose in," she paused to check the clock, "20 minutes, and I've got to get ready."

Mari smiled, "It's all good, have fun!"

Juleka smiled gratefully, and left to get changed. Now it was just Marinette and Luka.

Luka smirked at Mari. She blushed, suddenly finding the last strip of bacon on he plate very interesting.

Juleka rushed back out, yelled a quick, "Bye," and left the houseboat.

"So," Luka dragged out.

"So," Mari responded.

"Our conversations always start out awkward, don't they?" Luka noted. Mari looked up from her plate, laughing.

"Yeah, they kinda do."

Luka smiled. They laughed and joked around for a while, their breakfasts long forgotten. At some point, they made their way to the deck.

They leaned on the same railing they had earlier that morning, still laughing and joking.

"Wait, so she really thought you stole the bracelet?" Luka laughed.

"Y-yeah, but it was in Adrien's bag the whole damn time," Mari managed to stutter out while laughing.

Mari sighed. "This is great. I like hanging out with you."

"I like hanging out with you too, Ma-Ma-Marinette."

Mari blushed, scrunching up her face. Luka smirked. Only then did she realize how close they were, maybe six inches away.

Luka moved closer. Five inches. Marinette moved. Four now. Luka's Eyes flicked down time her lips and back up to her eyes. Three. Mari closed her eyes. Two. Luka closed his. One-BOOM.

The pair stumbled back from each other, gasping. They're heads whipped towards the Eiffel Tower, where an akumatized victim terrorized innocent people.

Luka blinked. "I should-uh-"

"Y-yeah. Be safe." Marinette stuttered. She made her way to her room as Luka transformed and jumped away.

Mari leaned against her closed door. Had that really happened? Did she really just kiss Luka? Her best friends' brother?

No, she told herself, bringing her fingers up to her lips. You didn't kiss him. The akuma attacked before anything happened. Marinette shook her head and sighed, moving her hand to her side. Tikki flew out from somewhere in the room, shooting Marinette a puzzled look.

Marinette just shook her head again, snapping back into reality. "Tikki, spots on."


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