Chapter 2-Next day

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8:40 AM
Marinette POV
Marinette opened the door to the classroom with a bit more force than needed, and tumbled to the floor. She tensed, bracing herself for a scolding. When she was met with nothing but silence, she glanced over to the front of the classroom.

The teacher wasn't there.

She sighed with relief. She couldn't get in trouble for being late if the teacher wasn't there.

Marinette tore a hand through her hair, which she'd left down, and pushed herself off the ground. She was going to see Adrien today. The first time after getting rejected. The thought completely ruined her mood.

She trudged up to her seat, and tried to pretend she didn't notice the stares of her classmates.

"Is that a new outfit?"

"Do you think she designed it?"

"No way, I think I saw those exact clothes at the thrift store or whatever."

"All that black-what, is she goth now or something?"

Marinette rolled her eyes. Today she wore her black ripped skinny jeans, her usual pink flats, and a comfortable yellow hoodie. Not even that dark.

"Uhhh, hey girl!..."

"...hey Alya..."

"You feelin' ok?"

"Just peachy."

She sat down, blowing a strand of hair out of her face.

Out of nowhere, Adrien barged into the room.

"Sorry I'm late, I-" he paused when he saw no teacher, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Oh."

"Hey, dude!" Nino said enthusiastically. "How's it hangin'?"

"I'm alright." He said nonchalantly as he sad down.



He just rejected her and he was fine?

Well that kind of hurts, Marinette thought.

"Morning Mar..." Adrien stopped mid-sentence as he sat down. Probably because of the way she looked at him. Her beautiful bluebell eyes were more dull than usual. There was no sparkle.

Luckily for them, they wouldn't have to talk to each other for a few hours.

Because that's when Ms. Boustie (A/N I think that's how you spell it.) walked in.

"Alright, students! Open up your textbooks and turn to page 531..."


"Girl, what was with the look you gave Adrien earlier?" Alya asked as she and Marinette filled their lunch trays. It was pizza day, just like every Friday.

"He..." Marinette tools breath, composing herself before muttering, "he rejected me.

Alya took a moment before replying, "Don't you think you're being a bit...harsh?" She asked. "I mean, I know it sucks being rejected, I'm not saying this to hurt you or anything, but it's not like you have to stop being friends, right?"

After that it was quiet. The girls made their way down the line, finally reaching the end. "Listen, I'm gonna go sit with Juleka and Rose today. I think I just need to cool off."

She didn't wait for a response, and made her way to the front steps of the school, where the two usually sat for lunch.

"Hey girls." Marinette greeted awkwardly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

The girls turned around, and immediately sensed something was off. It didn't have anything to do with Marinette's clothing, or her hair, it was the look she had in her eyes.

They were full and glossy, like she'd been crying. Like she was about to start crying again.

Marinette always liked the two girls because of that. They didn't care what she wore like the others, and they always knew when something was wrong.

"Marinette?" Asked Juleka. She blinked, before parting the spot across from she and Rose. They were seated on the sidewalk, right in front of the stairs.

"Oh my goodness, Marinette, are you ok?" Rose was frantic, all she wanted was to make her friend feel better.

She also wanted to punch whoever made her feel like this. But we don't talk about that.

Marinette sat across from the girls, and shook her head. Then, unable to hold it anymore, she broke down.

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