Chapter 4-Trip

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A few weeks later
7:00 AM
Marinette's POV
"What do you mean you're leaving?" Marinette yelled.

Over the last few weeks, she'd become more confident in herself. She finally started wearing what she wanted to wear, doing what she wanted to do, saying what she wanted to say.

Some people said that she'd gone through a drastic change over something so little and stupid( cough cough Lila cough cough), but we don't listen to some people. This had been a long time coming anyways, the others had to admit that there were signs.

Back to our current situation.

First Adrien rejects her.
Lila's bullying had gotten much worse.
She's been growing smart from Alya, Nino, and Adrien.
Now her parents were leaving.


"It's only for a couple of months dear, we'll be back before you know it. Right, Tom?" Sabine said, looking to her husband. "Tom?"

"Hm?" He asked, distracted.

Sabine sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Marinette, do you think you can ask one of your friends if you can stay with them? I don't want you staying here alone with all the akuma attacks, you could get seriously hurt." She asked. The akuma' says gotten much more violent and even lethal lately. In the last few weeks, almost 7 people had lost their lives. It may not seem like much, but as Paris' protector, it really hit Marinette hard.

Marinette sighed, and looked down. "Yes, mom. I'll be fine, I promise."

Tom pulled his daughter and wife into a hug. "I'll miss you, pumpkin." He said to Marinette.

"I'll miss you too, dad. And you mom. I love you guys so much." She said, returning the hug.

Marinette tried to pull away, but her dad wouldn't break the hug. "Dad. Dad! DAD!" She yelled. Tom snapped out of it, and let go.

Marinette watched as her parents walked out the door and into the cab.

She was really going to miss them.


Marinette walked up to Rose and Juleka, actually early to school for once. "Hey, girls!" She said with a wave.

The two greeted her, and they fell deep into conversation.

"Oh! Before I forget," Marinette started a few minutes later, "my parents are out of town for a couple of months, can I stay with one of you?"

"Sorry, Marinette. But my parents wouldn't allow any kind of sleep overs at our house." Rose replied.

"You could come home with me after school today, and we could ask my mom." Juleka offered.

"Thanks, Jule!" Marinette hugged her.

The bell rang, and the three girls headed to homeroom.


"Mom! Luka! I'm home!" Juleka yelled as the two girls stepped onto Liberty, Juleka's houseboat.

They made their way into her mother's office, where Ms. Couffaine sat. "Aye, waddya need, lassies?" She asked.

"Marinette's parents are out of town for a few months, is it cool if she stays with us in the guest bedroom while they're gone?"

"I don't mind, just make sure she pitches in with the chores!" She said. The two girls nodded, and walked off.


"Turns out Luka's out of the house right now. He's studying at a friends' place." Juleka said, plopping down on her bed.

Marinette sat on the black beanbag in the corner. "That's alright, I just hope he doesn't mind me staying." She said with a slight blush.

Juleka eyes widened, her mouth gaping slightly. "You totally like my brother, don't you?" She said with amusement in her voice.

"Pfft no! Luka?!? No flipping way!" Marinette screamed, hoping up. "I've gotta go pack some clothes and stuff I'll be back soon bye!" She yelled as she ran off the house boat, nearly tripping. It all sounded like a huge jumble, but Juleka somehow understood what her friend had said.

She chuckled knowingly, and left to set up the guest bedroom.

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