Another approaching guard swings his blade, nearly cutting Mileena. She teleports to the sai she left behind in the flesh of a perished guard. The guard feels confused and turns only to meet Nitara. A ball of blood erupts from her mouth and shoots forward to the guard's face. He then becomes distorted, attempting to get the blood off of his skin which increases in acidic levels. It begins sizzling and burning his eyes causing him to shout and frantically run. After a moment he falls to the ground in an agonizing scream.

As a random guard attempts to approach Mileena once more, Nitara flaps her wings and dashes to him. She catches him before he manages to swing his pike and drains his blood from the left side of his neck from behind. Mileena smiles at this.

"How pleasant...she feasts upon her enemies such as I," Mileena considers in her head.

The other guards spot this and as if in seconds a loud voice booms, "Retreat!" and their forces begin to fall back.

A loud cheer begins to erupt from the crowd as Nitara continues to feast in front of Mileena. She retracts her teeth from the guard who is now nearly dead.

"Care to taste?" Nitara states with a sinister grin on her bloody lips.

Mileena sends the same look back as her features divert to Tarkatan. She closes the distance and takes a bite into his flesh on the other side of his neck. Nitara then continues along with Mileena, though Mileena chews on the flesh and drinks the crimson substance rather than merely settling for the blood alone like Nitara.

Seconds pass as the guard's body falls completely limp and his skin begins to dry quickly, resembling a raisin. As if in unison they drop the body and face each other in delight.

"Perhaps your worth was underestimated," Mileena  hypothesizes, coming to somewhat change her opinion on Nitara.

Nitara enjoys hearing such words, eager to make Mileena see in any way the only harm she wishes to inflict is harm against the emperor. Little did they notice the crowd of rebels were each facing them in awe. One steps forward, coming toward the two women with high curiosity. They turn toward the man, remembering the task at hand.

"Why by the Gods, I have yet to see such a seductive duo grace the battle field such as this!" he sheathes his weapons and bows. "I am known as Darrius, and I lead what you see before you known as the Seidan Resistance," he introduces.

He resembles the image Mileena was given earlier. She knows this is the man Shinnok has his sights on. His forces wear the same, or very similar gear, that he does. Though his wide shades, goatee and bald head do stand out. His armor seems to be sturdier as well.

"Darrius you say? Just the one I was searching for," Mileena comes closer earning a curious grin from him.

"You search for me?"

"Indeed. I have come to offer you a deal," she states.

He listens closely, as does his forces.

"Shinnok, the one you may know as the fallen Elder God which resides in the Nether Realm, would like to ask for your partnership. I come to bear the message," Mileena explains.

He raises an eyebrow.

"An alliance?"

"Yes, a partnership between the Nether Realm and the Order Realm, strictly for the Seidan Resistance, your forces, and the Nether Realm forces under the Brotherhood of Shadow lead by Shinnok," she adds.

He begins to rub his chin in wonder.

"Such a huge offer on such short notice. What say my forces?" he turns to the crowd, questioning them.

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