Moving slowly, i skirted around him until i had maneuvered my way completely around him and was standing behind him, breathing unnecessarily hard. Luffy's eyes had followed me, but he stayed put, turning to face me like he really could see me. His eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Is that-?"

"Oi Luffy!" a voice yelled, and someone banged on the door. "we need to talk about something." Luffy opened the door and Usopp was revealed through the hatch, his eyes bloodshot from tears.

"We've been talking and there's things we need to discuss". Said the sniper.

"What about?" asked the captain.

"I don't know, Nami sent me to get you"

Luffy noded, casting one forlorn look back at me, which really creeped me out, he followed Usopp down the ladder.

After a moment i followed and joined the rest of the crew.  There was a brief silence and during that silence i noticed that Robin was looking at me just like Luffy before! I don't know why and how that is possible but for some reason it appears Luffy and Robin can't quite see me but they can sense my presence! But how? I was wondering to myself when a voice suddenly broke the silence. 

"We have been thinking about this tale about the Resurrection ceremony" Said Nami. "In order for this to work Zoro-bro had to die in the honor of someone else. so who?" asked the cyborg.

Silence filled the place, Sanji looked uncomfortable, his eyes unreadable. Brook looked really weird too, staring at the ero cook like he was sympathetic. Everyone else was ultimately confused.

Sanji broke the silence, "I think i'll go say my words now"

After receiving a nod from everyone, Sanji ascended to the crow's nest and i followed. He started out much like Luffy, just sitting and staring. His eyes were distant but really pissed off, and i smirked. The guy looked so pitiful, if i ever get resurrected, i'm so going to hold it against him.

"You asshole!" was the first thing he said, and i was expecting that. "You just had to go and die didn't you? you had to be the hero, sacrificing yourself for all our shitty sakes."

He stood and began pacing the room, chomping on his cigarette. After a minute, all the sudden anger rage subsided and he stared forlornly at my body. "I'm not going to tell anyone, About the whole thing i mean. You have your own honor to uphold even in death." he said then he looked out the window. "Imagine what the rest of them would say and do if they ever found out. Even though i don't know exactly what happened, exactly how it went down, but i do know that it's not worth sharing when your pride is on the line." he then continued " You just piss me off so much. The first time i met you i just hated your guts and i had no idea why, but now that i think about it, i think it was because you decided to fight Mihawk. You were prepared to die for your dream, but in the contract i was ready to die for Zeff's, defending the Baratie. You just paid attention to your own motives and didn't account for the other people you would leave behind if you died. So self centered. So get back so i can kick your ass officially."

"And how dare you leave the ladies? especially Robin! i hate to admit it but she loved you very much! and now that your gone she isn't the same person anymore, her beautiful smile is gone and she never will be the same Robin if this legend turns out to be bullcrap and you stay dead!

Luffy is an idiot, Usopp is a coward, Chopper is a reindeer, Franky is a pervert and Brook is literally an old skeleton! That leaves only me to protect them and tend to their needs. Even though you didn't even realize it you made each day interestingly boring."

Sanj's expression changed and revealed him as humiliated."I see you as... a brother i never had!"

I cocked my head, confusion exploding in my mind. A brother? since when? i hate his guts and we fought all the time! Though we annoyed each other we worked well as a team... i guess. And we do have the same basic ideals even if our methods are different. And now that he has promised not to reveal my cause of death, i feel a bit indebted to him. I hate this feeling so i'll have to find a way to repay him if i get back.

There was a suddenly a soft rap at the door and Sanji answered it. It was Brook who appeared on the other side. "May i enter, Sanji san?" he asked and the cook noded in response. The two men sat crossed legged on either side of my immobile form.

"I just want to say that i saw your valiant act," Brook said after a minute of silence." It truly affected me, and i believe it to be very honorable."

Sanji didn't say anything, but let out a puff of smoke." It wasn't honorable, i was just trying to save a useless marimo." he said.

brook shook his head." I disagree, you may not realize it, but you and Zoro are very much alike in your stubbornness and loyalty. Both of you were willing to throw away your lives for the sake of your captain, and i find that says a lot about Luffy himself. Looks like he has a knack for knowing the best people to have on his crew."

"Brook what happened while i was unconscious?" Asked the cook and Brook complied and talked about how he had gained consciousness as i had launched my Shi Shi Son Son on the shichibukai. he talked in admiration at my first request to replace my head for Luffy's. Sanji entered the picture then offering his own life. And then the skeleton took a more weary tone as he described the effects of the giant ball of pain i had endured, which eventually claimed my life.

Sanji didn't interrupt through the entire story and i was amazed at how detailed the musician was. When the story was over the cook breathed a ring of smoke." That explains why Luffy is lively as ever, and Zoro is dead" he said " i had assumed that Zoro would be taken prisoner for public execution, but this..."

Brook smiled sadly" Loyalty is a man's best quality," he said." i can only imagine the vast amount the straw hat crew must possess in order to be part of Luffy's life."

Sanji grunted out a laugh." I suppose" he said," but that says a lot about you, too. Luffy's been hell bent on a musician since we hit the grand line, and you must be something if you're the chosen one."

"I'm just a bag of old bones." said the musician.

"And that's part of it" sanji smiled," A half naked cyborg, a reindeer, four people with devil fruits, a man with freakishly long nose, me with curly eyebrows and a green headed guy, all crazy enough to break into Enies lobby for one nakama and Nami swan and Robin chwan are just perfect! you'll fit right in"

"Yohohoho thank you Sanji san" said brook Softly.

Robin's POV

Earlier when Luffy came down from crow's nest after having his moment with Zoro. Shortly after him something else also came down, a very weak green like color light! I first saw that very faint light when sanji carried Zoro's body in thriller bark, but at that moment i was so chocked and afraid that i didn't pay attention to it but now i have seen that light for the second time! I don't know why but i feel like i know this light! I was deep in thought when i was suddenly snapped out of it as Franky talked about the riddle and about how Zoro had to die for another man's honor in order for the Resurrection ceremony to work! 

When that came up everyone was thinking about who could it be except Sanj and Brook who had a very strange look on their faces as if they knew something and didn't want the rest on the crew to know! I noticed that!

So when sanji went to the crow's nest and Brook followed him after a few minutes, I was really curious so i flowered an ear in the crow's nest and listened to their conversation and then i heard Brook tell the story about what Zoro did and how he died! 

Alright guys this is it for chapter 4! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! If you are please let me know :)

Zoro x Robin: The Stuff of LegendsWhere stories live. Discover now