~Testing~ Todoroki x Reader

Start from the beginning

We find the ice cream cart and get a double sided one to break in half and share as we walk through the hot sand, hands entwined.

"Are you feeling less cranky now?" I tease, finishing the last of my side of the popsicle.

Shouto takes one look at my face and chuckles.  "You're such a mess, love."  His thumb wipes the corner of my mouth, probably stuck with melted, sugary syrup.  "Though, I think it was both a mistake and blessing for us to get the cherry-flavored one.  Let me have a taste?"

"I'd like that," I whisper to him and lean closer.


Shouto just barely turns his head towards the noise and there's the sound of smacking rubber and a flash of white.  The volleyball, I realize, just hit him smack in the middle of his face.  The boy leans his head onto my shoulder and sighs, and I have to bite my lip to hold back my laughter.  The universe just really loves teasing us today.

"Sorry you guys!"  Hagakure is standing a few yards away, the only reason I can tell is because there's the volleyball in her hands.  Yaomomo, Mina, Jirou, and Tsuyu join her when they hear the screaming, all of them clad in bikinis.

"Oh, it's Todoroki and (Y/n), ribbit," Tsuyu remarks.

"I think you might've intruded on something, Hagakure-san," Yaomomo blushes sheepishly, grabbing the ball out of the invisible girl's hands and ushers the rest away.  "We should leave them alone, come on."

Once the girls are out of sight, Shouto mumbles, "Are they gone now?"

"Aw, poor baby."  I stroke his hair with one of my hands before cradling his face in my hands to examine his face.  "Your poor pretty face was hit."  I pepper kisses on his slightly reddened nose, cheeks and forehead.  "Is it better now?"

"You missed a spot," he pouts and puckers his lips.

"I saved the best for last, don't worry."  I teasingly brush my thumb to his lips that I know weren't even touched by the impact of the ball.

"Oh... You guys are having a thing."

Both of us look over and crane our heads up toward Shouji's head.  For someone so tough looking, he's blushing at his intrusion.  I quickly break my hands away from Shouto's head.

"I was gonna ask you guys to play volleyball with us, but you're busy, so it's cool."  One of his hands motions backwards to another net where Koda, Ojiro, and Sato are facing off with Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero.  Naturally, Iida's the referee for them, and Aoyama's just sitting under the nearby parasol watching them.

"Ah, it's okay.  Enjoy your game-"

"OI, ICYHOT!  YOU BETTER GET OVER HERE SO I CAN OWN YOUR ASS!" Bakugou starts screaming and I feel Shouto stiffen.

"I'll take care of it," Shouji waves off, "You guys go have your fun."

I want to protest the "fun" part, but Shouto grabs my arm and starts pulling me down the beach forcefully.  "Where are we going?"

"As far away from everyone else as possible."  The edge in his voice makes it obvious that his patience is wearing thin.  He suddenly plunges us through a darkened cave in the rear of the beach, staying near the mouth just so there's enough light to see each other.  He pins me to the cold wall of the cave and bores an intense stare through me.  "We've been interrupted for the entire time, I think we deserve some privacy."

"I agree, but a cave, Shouto?  Is that what you've resorted to?"  I'm not scared of being in a cave.  Actually, yes I am, what if there's something frightening in here that wants to kill us?  "We could've just gone to some secluded area of the beach."

"I've been waiting, (Y/n), I'm desperate."  Even though he's clearly ticked off, I understand where he's coming from.  I can't say I'm not disappointed, but it's just what happens sometimes.

"Shouto, we made a mistake leaving each other to study for exams.  Look where it's gotten us, in a cave.  Do you really want to spend our entire sunny beach day in a dark cave?"  I'm trying to lighten the mood, but he's not budging, so I sigh, taking his head in my hands.  "I want to be alone with you too, but today the universe is just not having any of it.  But it's okay, we have the entire rest of summer break to be with each other.  Maybe we need to be spending time with our friends for a while, then we can sneak away and have some time to ourselves, hm?  I promise."

The way his lip juts out like a kid makes me laugh at him.

"You're such a spoiled child, as expected being the youngest sibling."  I knock his forehead with mine.

"I want you to spoil me, as I want to spoil you too."  His mouth quirks up and he - finally - kisses my lips, hugging me to his body tightly.  It's only then I realize how much I craved him too, letting myself get lost in him.

"Hey, I understand you guys are having a moment."  Both of us quickly break away, hearts pounding from both the kiss and being caught off guard.  Tokoyami is crouched in a fetal position against a rock, nibbling on some half-eaten bread.  "But you really don't want to be here right now."  The bird boy looks like he's going through some stuff, his life is falling apart at the seams as he watches and can't do anything about it.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Lol this went very crackity I'm sorry for any of you thinking this would be more fluffy. I couldn't think of anything fluff, so I went crack instead 🙃 Hope you still enjoyed it though! There'll be more requests coming tomorrow.

And now it's 3:30am and I need to sleep...

~Tiny senpai

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