Chapter 25

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Chapter song: Young Forever by Nicki Minaj
-4 weeks later-
(Becca's pov)
3 days left until my life's ruined. Justin's gonna leave forever-or at least it feels like it. Christmas just passed, and Justin literally filled my room with gifts. Not even that cheered me up. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Justin's leaving the night after New Year's Day. I'm gonna miss him so much.
"Becca, let's go get breakfast"
Justin and I were at the park. We accidentally spent the night here.
I mumbled.
"Give me your hand, baby"
He held out his hand. I took it and walked closer to him.
He suggested. I only nodded. As time passed by, I've gotten sadder. I feel like life has a limit now that Justin will be going away. We entered and sat at a booth.
"What do you want, darlin?"
Justin asked. I shrugged.
"Hey, look at me, baby..."
He placed his fingertips under my chin and raised it a little to make me look at him.
"...stop thinking about it. Don't waste our time thinking about the negativity"
His caramel brown eyes stared into mine.
"I'm sorry"
I mumbled.
"No, you're not. You're just overwhelmed by the fact of me going away. I'll get you some chocolate chip pancakes and a hot chocolate with extra chocolate, yes?"
He pecked my cheek.
I smiled and turned away.
Justin ordered when the waiter delivered our drinks.
"You're gonna be fine, babe"
He put his arm around me.
"I'm gonna miss you so much"
I hugged him tightly.
"I know. I am too"
He kissed my temple. Our food arrived, and we began to eat. After we finished, Justin brought me to the park.
"What am I gonna do?"
I muttered.
"You're gonna stop stressing over this. Now, give me a smile"
Justin answered. I cracked a slight smile then let it fade back into a frown.
"You call that a smile, bae? This is a smile"
He suddenly lifted me over his shoulder and spun me around.
I laughed and giggled.
"Put me down, Justiiin"
I laughed.
"Say you love me"
He grinned.
"I love youuuu"
I giggled as he set me down.
"You're beautiful"
He kissed me. I smiled in the kiss and hugged him.
"I don't want you to leave"
I clung onto him tightly.
"I don't want to leave either"
He mumbled and hugged me tight. I couldn't hold the pain in anymore and start to cry.
"Becca...don't. Don't cry, babygirl"
Justin stroked my hair while holding me safely. I cried until I ran out of tears.
"Don't be afraid, babydoll. Don't stress anymore"
He whispered.
"Stay, Justin....stay here"
I shivered from the cold.
(Justin's pov)
"You know I can't, Becca"
I led her inside a Starbucks to keep her warm.
Her eyes were so sad. It made me ache to make her happy. I bought her a peppermint hot chocolate and a brownie.
"Here's the plan. No more crying, ok? Let's have fun. Tomorrow's New Year's Eve"
I took a sip from my coffee.
She nodded.
"What am I thinking of? I'll give you a hint. They're very beautiful on you"
I smiled at her.
She guessed.
"Nope, good guess"
I was staring in her deep blue eyes to give her a hint.
She guessed.
I grinned at how cute she was.
"I give up"
She smiled shyly.
"Your eyes, bae"
I told her with a grin.
"What? That was easy"
She exclaimed.
"Well you didn't guess it, so it wasn't that easy"
I chuckled.
She giggled.
"I should take you home before your dad gets pissed"
I led her to her house.
"I'll spend the night with you"
I told her before rushing back to my house. I didn't want her dad ticked off again.
"Mom, can I spend the night at Becca's?"
I asked mom.
"Sure. Oh, and Justin, Becca's mom invited us to spend New Year's Eve with them"
Mom stated.
"That's great, mom. Thank you"
I kissed her cheek and made my way to Becca's balcony.
Becca was already in bed.
"Aw, you're tired, baby?"
I took off my shirt and laid next to her.
She pulled herself closer to me and snuggled in my neck.
"Let's get some rest"
I kissed her gently and put my arm around her. I could feel her pain from here. I feel terrible. I want to stay with her, but I can't. I can't bring her with me. I'll be dead meat if I take her without permission. Despite all we are going through right now, Becca will always be mine. She always was, and she always will.

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