Chapter 23

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Chapter song: She by Ed Sheeran
(Justin's pov)
What a shitty morning. Terrible breakfast, my back hurts, and it's fucking cold in here.
"This is all your fault"
Becca's dad finally spoke.
"My fault? You're the one who's been treating me like crap since day 1"
I muttered.
"Then stop bothering my daughter"
He grumbled.
"How am I bothering her?"
I sighed.
"You're always getting her in trouble and never leaving her alone"
He spoke from across the room.
"That's because I love her"
I muttered irritably.
"No, you don't. Now, stop breaking into my house"
He hissed.
"I've been welcome in your house since I was 6. I'm not gonna stop now"
I stated grumpily.
"Well you better, or I'll get you 2 months in jail"
Becca's dad threatened.
"Fine, I won't go back in your house again"
I might've said that, but I never said I was gonna stop seeing Becca.
"...I'm gonna see her once I get out"
I beamed at myself.
"You better not"
He gave me a deadly glare.
"Or what?"
I looked at him daringly.
"I'll kick your ass for good"
He spat.
"I'll be gone by then, bro"
I smirked and enjoyed myself.
(Becca's pov)
This is all my fucking dad's fault. Justin didn't do anything. This is a great way to come back from vacation. (Note to sarcasm)
I really miss Justin, and I can't wait until his mom gets him out. I'm just waiting at the park, because of my dad. I don't want to see my dad. Plus, I'm sure there's tons of Beliebers at the station.
"Miss me?"
Justin hugged me from behind.
"Yes, I did"
I giggled as he pecked my lips.
"Let's get some dinner. I have to go tomorrow"
He pulled me with him.
I giggled as he pulled me to a Panera Bread. I really love this place. We ordered and sat down.
"So what was it like?"
I smiled while staring at him.
"Eh, it could be worse. I mean, your dad could've done something, or I could've started a fight. That would make us serve more time, so we didn't do anything"
Justin explained.
"I'm so sorry about him, Justin"
I apologized for my dad.
"I don't care much. He's just annoying"
Justin shrugged.
"I know, but..."
"Baby, it's fine. Don't stress about it"
He grabbed my hand.
"Plus, he got what he deserved. Though, I wish he served more time for hitting you like that"
Justin sounded concerned and upset.
"Oh, it's ok"
I remembered the violence of last night.
"No, Becca, it's not ok. No one, and I mean no one, should ever be allowed to hit you like that. You deserve the best in life, and I will give that to you"
Justin sounded upset, but not at me. He was upset at my dad.
"Thanks Justy"
It really warms me up to know that Justin will always be here for me, even when he's far away.
"I'll be right back, bae"
He stood up and walked to the front. I sat patiently as I waited.
"Ok, this one's for you and this one's for me"
He returned and set a brownie in front of me.
"Ooh, thank you"
I took a bite of the brownie. He knows I love brownies.
"Yea, I thought I'd give you something before I go back"
He just reminded me that he had to go.
I muttered and put the brownie down.
"It's only for a few days, baby. Plus, I'm about to release my album"
Justin scooted closer and put his arm around me.
"...Ok, but...I'm gonna miss you a lot"
I mumbled and leaned against his chest.
"Here comes the airplane"
Justin goofed around and used my brownie as an "airplane". I giggled and took a bite of it.
"I'm not 3 years old"
I giggled.
He grinned but still fed me the brownie.
"Good girl"
Justin smirked.
"You're so wrong, Justin"
I giggled.
"What? Have you been naughty?"
He raised his eyebrows.
I mumbled.
"Oh, I see"
His hand lowered to my area and rubbed tenderly. I hid in his chest and blushed while moaning. His hand rubbed mildly on me, and I took deep breaths and moaned in his shirt. There was so much pleasure inside me that I couldn't hold it anymore. I caught my breath while blushing hard in his chest.
"Now you're a good girl"
Justin whispered.
I giggled and blushed.
"I love you"
He cupped my face in his hands.
"I love you too"
I cupped his face in my hands too. He hugged me and held it for a while. He started pecking my face all over.
He cut me off by giving me a deep kiss on my lips.
"I'll ask my mom if you can spend the night. Your dad won't be out until I'm gone"
Justin smiled and led me out the back door, so we don't get seen. We snuck into the front door of his house.
"Mom, can Becca spend the night?"
Justin held my hand as he asked his mom.
"Is Becca's mom ok with it?"
Pattie looked at me.
"She won't mind"
It was kind of a lie.
Pattie agreed, and Justin led me to the living room.
"Man, you haven't spent the night in forever"
Justin plopped on his couch, bringing me with him.
"I know"
I smiled and got comfortable on his lap.
"Wanna watch Shrek? I know it's your favorite"
He flicked his eyebrows at me.
"You know the answer to that"
I giggled. We've watched Shrek since we were 8 years old, and it's never gotten old. Justin and I watched the movie with me in his arms. I got too tired during the movie and fluttered my eyes closed against the warmth of his chest.
. . .
I woke up to the sun shining against my face. I was in Justin's room. I felt safe and loved when I realized that I was in Justin's bare arms and chest.
A peaceful whisper was felt against my ear. I looked up to see Justin smiling warmly at me.
He murmured.
I smiled quizzically at him.
He whispered.
"What's this all about?"
I moved on top of him.
"Just saying words that describe you"
He smiled softly.
"Aw, you're so sweet, Justin"
I kissed his cheek.
"I am? How bout we get some breakfast?"
He sat up and embraced me in a hug.
We got up and fixed ourselves in the bathroom before hurrying downstairs. Pattie had already made us a plateful of pancakes and bacon.
"I love your mom"
I sat done and dug into the tasteful breakfast.
"Me too"
Justin joined me. We finished up and I helped him pack for Atlanta.
. . .
"I'm really gonna miss you"
I hugged him on the sidewalk as he got ready to go back to Atlanta.
"Patience, baby. Don't stress, got it?"
He cupped my face in his, and I nodded.
"Ok, I better get going. I love you"
He smiled at me.
"I love you too. I'll buy your album"
I smiled back at him.
"Aw, I appreciate that, babygirl"
He kissed my lips before walking into his car. I waved goodbye as the car drove away. I already miss him.
(A/N: Christmas emojis to brighten you're life 🎄🎁🎅🎋🎋🌟❄️⛄️)

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