Chapter 22

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Chapter song: Umbrella by Rihanna
(Justin's pov)
We arrived back in Canada, in our neighborhood.
"I need to unpack, then I'll come see you"
I told Becca.
She smiled as she knocked on the door.
"Fucking son of a bitch!"
Suddenly, Becca's dad barged out the front door and attacked me. I felt several sharp pains to my stomach, arms, and face. I tried to block him the best I could.
"Dad! Stop! Get off of him!"
Becca screamed.
"Stop this! Leave him alone!"
Her mom shouted. They both tried to pry him off of me. Man, where are my bodyguards when I need them? Becca somehow managed to pull me out from his aim. I crawled up and moved close to Becca.
"Dad, I swear I will fucking call the cops if you lay another hand on him"
Becca snapped. All of a sudden, Becca's dad slapped her, making her fall on the floor. Anger grew inside me.
"That's your fucking daughter! What the hell?!"
I yelled, suddenly not in pain anymore.
"What don't you understand about not going near her?!"
He got in my face.
"How can I not when I've been around her all my life?!"
I was pissed, more than pissed to be exact.
"I'm her fucking father!"
He hollered.
"Well you're not doing a good job!"
I motioned to Becca, who was on the floor with her mom.
"What would you know?!"
He spat.
"Not to hit my fucking daughter!"
I shouted. We started fighting again until we all heard a police siren.
"Break it up you guys"
The officer was specifically talking to Becca's dad and me.
"This boy broke into my house"
Becca's dad said.
"He just hit his daughter"
I defended myself and Becca.
"Justin didn't do anything"
Becca was holding her cheek and sniffling.
"That's it. All of you, in the car now"
The officer ordered. We all got in the car. It was pretty crowded so Becca's dad sat in the passenger seat. Becca was still sniffling, so I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She rested her head on my shoulder, so I stroked her soft hair to calm her down more. The car parked, and we all entered the station. This is all her dad's fault. He started all the violence. We all sat inside a room.
"What happened tonight? One at a time"
The officer entered the room.
"My daughter, Becca, and her friend, Justin, were taking a trip...with my permission. Her dad didn't know, and he got upset"
Becca's mom explained. Of course, she didn't take sides for either of us.
"Ok, Becca, you explain"
The officer pointed at Becca.
"Justin and I were on a trip for 2 days. He was making something up to me, being nice. Then, when he was dropping me off at home, my dad started tackling him and hitting him. Oh, and by the way, Justin's only 15"
Becca glared at her dad.
The officer was writing something on a notepad.
"....Mr. Greene, your turn"
The officer spoke.
"This boy was told a ton of times to leave my daughter alone, but he never did. He broke into my house and took my daughter without my permission"
Becca's dad gave me a cold glare, but I only glared back. He's over exaggerating everything.
"Ok, Justin, tell your side of the story"
The officer looked at me.
"He fucking hit his daughter"
I hissed. That's all that mattered. I don't care about how it started or why Becca's dad is upset. The part the triggered me was him slapping Becca like that.
"Is that it?"
The officer knew there was more.
I muttered.
"Did you hit your daughter, Mr. Greene?"
The officer asked.
Becca's dad confessed.
"...Ok, Mr. Greene, you get 3 days in jail for child abuse and violence..."
Haha, fucking bastard deserves it.
"...And Mr. Bieber, 1 day in jail for violence and intruding their house"
What the hell? I didn't even do anything. I've been in her house since I was 6.
"Is that even possible?"
I mean, I'm only 15. Seriously?
"Yes, we have a jail system in here"
The officer spoke. Fuck. What am I gonna tell mom? Scooter? Usher? Dammit.
"And don't you have a mother?"
The officer asked me.
I muttered.
"Go call her"
The officer ordered. I went outside in the hallway. I heard screaming. Seriously? There's fans crowding outside for me. I could see them through the glass, so I waved and smiled at them. I hand signaled to them that I was ok.
"Justin, I'm on my way there. What happened?"
My mom picked up the phone.
"The police will tell you. I gotta go now, mom"
I spoke.
"Uhm, ok. See you in a moment"
She hung up.
"Man, this sucks"
Becca walked up to me.
"Are you ok, baby?"
I brushed my hand gently over her cheek. She nodded sadly.
"I'm sorry about all this, babygirl"
I pulled her close.
"It's not your fault"
She was still sniffling.
"I know. I didn't even know it's legal to arrest a 15 year old"
I smiled and pecked her cheek several times.
"I love you"
She hugged me tight.
"I love you more. See you later, bae"
I kissed her deeply, ignoring the fact that my fans and her parents were watching. Who fucking cares anymore?
"So when do you have to go back to Atlanta?"
She asked.
"Uhm, well, now that I'm apparently "under arrest", I'll probably still have to go the day after tomorrow, but how bout I see you when I get out tomorrow night?"
I whispered in her ear.
"Sounds good"
She kissed my cheek once more before leaving.
"Alright, Justin, let's go"
The officer led me into a cell. Shit, Becca's father is sharing it with me.
"No fighting or your jail times get extended"
The officer locked Becca's dad in the cell with me. I stood as far away as possible.
"Justin, omigod, what happened?"
My mom stood in front of me, the cell separating us.
"I'll tell you later. Can you call Scooter that we'll probably be late?"
I spoke loud enough for only mom and me to hear. I don't want Becca's dad in my business.
"Sure. You do know that all your fans know about this, right?"
Mom smiled. She's so sweet. I can't believe she's not kicking my ass about what happened. Oh...right, she doesn't know what happened yet.
"Yea, they'll be here all night"
I grinned knowingly.
"I'll stay the night here, and you'll be out by 6pm tomorrow"
Mom kissed my cheek the best she could through the bars.
"Thanks. I love you"
I kissed her hand.
"Love you too, sweetheart. Sleep tight"
She smiled and walked into another room. I laid on the hard bed, away from her dad, and shut my eyes. I didn't speak or even look at him. He has no right to touch Becca like that. Nobody does, not even me. If anyone lays a hand on her, there's gonna be trouble. She's mine and only mine. She's my one love, one heart, and one life for sure. I'm not gonna let some old bag fuck it up for us.

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