Chapter 12

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Chapter song: Wish You Were Here by Avril Lavigne
(Justin's pov)
Ugh, I don't wanna get up. My mom practically forced me to. I had to fucking eat my breakfast in the car.
"Mom, it's too early"
I complained and leaned against the car window.
"You'll be able to sleep on the plane"
Mom told me. I've never been on a plane before. I wonder what it's like. What if I get signed? That would be a dream. I would change the world of I could. I could make music. I could give Becca so much more. When we arrived at the airport, mom and I carried our suitcases in. It was nice of Scooter to pay for our tickets, because we wouldn't ever be able to pay for them. He seems nice, but I'll never know until I meet him. We boarded the plane, and I was super antsy. I was so excited to be on an actual plane. When the plane took off, I looked out the window. It felt sorta like a rollercoaster, which I've only been on twice. Once we were in the air, I could see almost all of the Canada. It was pretty cool. After awhile, it got boring, and I decided to rest. I really miss Becca. I need her in my life, and I can't have a fun time without her.
. . .
The plane landed and startled me awake.
"We're here, sweetie"
My mom said lovingly. We got out, and my mom followed the directions to where Scooter had told her. Honestly, I was nervous. I mean, this guy could change my life. We arrived in a parking lot. I saw a man with dark hair and sunglasses.
"Hey Justin"
He shook my hand.
I replied back.
"So I hear you're a very talented young man"
He stated.
"I guess so"
I smiled. I'd never call myself very talented, but to them, I guess I am.
"Well, I'd like you to meet someone. I'm sure you know him"
Scooter moved to the side for me to see someone that I'd never imagined seeing in my life. Usher. I was speechless.
"Hey there, Justin"
Usher put his hand out for me to shake.
I couldn't believe my eyes as I shook his hand.
"I've seen your videos. They're really good"
Usher complimented.
"Th-thank you"
I was so nervous.
"And...I'd like to sign you. How would you like that?"
Usher offered. Holy shit.
"I'd love that"
My heart was racing.
"What does ms. Bieber think of that?"
Scooter looked at my mom.
"...let's give it a shot"
Mom smiled at me.
"Excellent. Ok, we'll make this short and sweet. We'll have you starting by tomorrow. Meet us here at 8am, and we'll talk more about it. I paid for a room at the Hyatt for you, so don't worry about money"
And with that, Scooter and Usher smiled, and we thanked them before walking to our hotel.
"This must be a dream"
I was dumbfounded.
"It's completely real, Justin"
Mom hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you"
She kissed my head.
"Thank you for agreeing to this, mom"
I hugged back.
"You deserve it, honey"
She ruffled my hair. Man, if only Becca were here. She'd be so happy. There's no way to contact her besides her phone, which is taken away from her. The hotel was really nice. I've only been to a hotel once, and it's pretty cool. I had my own bed in our room. I really need Becca right now. I miss her terribly already. Even if it's just 5 minutes. I just wanna see her.
(Becca's pov)
Justin's been gone for a day now. It feels different without him. I feel like a piece of me is missing. I'm not used to living without him. I hope this doesn't last long.
I was woken up by my parents calling me.
I groaned in frustration.
"Honey, breakfast is ready"
Mom said.
"I don't want it"
I shook my head as I got up.
"Becca, you have to-"
"I'm fine. Why should you care anyway?"
I glared.
"Becca, stop this already. He's just a boy"
Somehow, that angered me. I shut the door on her then broke into tears. Justin's more than just a boy. He's everything to me. I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm just really upset and frustrated that Justin's not here. It's gonna be ok, right? Justin'll be back in a couple days, and everything will be back to normal. I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he happy? Sad? Is he missing me as much as I'm missing him? I decided to go for a walk, just to get away from my parents. I knocked on Chaz's door.
"Hey Becca"
Chaz let me inside. Ryan was here too. That doesn't surprise me. They're always hanging out together.
"Is everything ok?"
He looked concerned. I shook my head and teared up. Ryan and Chaz both hugged me.
"You're upset because Justin's not here?"
Ryan and Chaz rubbed my back. I nodded.
"It's ok, Becca. He'll be back soon"
We broke the hug, and Chaz went into the kitchen.
"Calm down, Becca. Don't worry about him"
Ryan sat beside me.
"Here, I know his much you love chocolate"
Chaz set a cup of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and marshmallows. Marshmallows reminded me of Justin. That's what he smelt like, marshmallows. It made me miss him more. I'm such a mess right now. It's barely been a day, and I can't handle Justin's absence. Is he acting the same way?
(Justin's pov)
Today had been pretty fun for me. We went to the studio, and Usher and Scooter taught and showed me some cool stuff. We practiced a little on random songs just to see what it felt like. Usher said that once I get a vocal instructor, I'll be able to start working on an album. A fucking album!! He also said that since I'm an internet sensation, I could be very successful. One thing that amazes me in a good-and bad-way is how quick they work. Hell, I only met them yesterday, and they're talking about starting an album tomorrow. They're more ahead than my mom. She's always getting a head start, but this time, not so much. I sang a few songs I put together, including the ones for Becca. They both liked them.
"I think this one right here could be a good start to the album"
Usher stated about my song, One Time. Of course, they're gonna make a few edits and changes to the song. It's not like I'm perfect or anything. So we worked on One Time for about 2 full hours and ended up with a huge improvement. I was introduced to a nice lady who is supposed to be my vocal instructor. Her name is Jan, and she's very sweet. She taught me a few vocal exercises.
"It's getting late. Why don't you guys get some rest. Meet us back here at 8am"
Scooter suggested. Mom and I went back to the hotel and had dinner.
"I'm very proud of you, Justin"
She's been telling me that a lot, but I don't mind.
"Thanks mom"
I hugged her tightly. I couldn't help but wish Becca was here. I wonder how she's holding up. Hopefully, she's doing ok without me. I shut my eyes in bed then felt a lonely emptiness inside me. I wished for Becca.
(Becca's pov)
I'm getting real impatient. Justin said a few days. I know it's only been 2, but I want him now. I can't wait another minute without him. I have nothing to look foreword to in the morning. Nothing. My dad drove me to school, and I went to my first class, math. I can't concentrate on anything. Homework, tests, class work, nothing. It's stressing me out, because my parents want all A's from me. When lunchtime arrived, I sat with Ryan and Chaz.
"Hey Becca, how've you been?"
Ryan greeted me.
I muttered.
"I can tell-"
Chaz said, and Ryan slapped his arm.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that"
Chaz smiled.
"It's ok"
I shrugged.
"Don't be down, Becca. This is a big opportunity for Justin. It may take awhile, but he's gonna come back. I bet he's thinking of you right now"
Ryan said comfortingly. Maybe he is.
(Justin's pov)
We got to work after Jan warmed my voice up this morning. We recorded pieces of One Time. It's almost finished. It's gonna be released soon along with a new album. I checked my youtube account earlier, and people are blowing up my feed. I didn't know people would start watching my videos. It's gonna take awhile for me to get used to this. Even though we're making a great success, I still don't know how long I'll be here.
"Hey Scooter"
I spoke on the way out of the studio.
"What's up?"
Scooter slowed down for me.
"How long will I be staying here?"
I asked.
"Well, we need to at least finish a few songs on the album, so I'm guessing half a month. You can get a break for a day or two, but you're gonna be a very busy guy, Justin"
Scooter explained.
"...I know"
I can tell.
"Have a good night. See you tomorrow"
Scooter grinned at me before leaving. This might be a problem. Half a month? No. Becca would hate this. Becca would hate ME. How am I gonna do this without her? She'll be pissed, not to mention hurt. There has to be another way.
A/N: I'm gonna be skipping about half a month in the next chapter, so be prepared. I don't wanna get you confused. Stay safe☺️

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