Chapter 10

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Words Count: 1498


~:~Back in New York, The year of 2003. In the Technodrome~:~

The twelve '03 heroes are still missing but their sensei is captured. '03 Splinter is thrown to the ground of the Technodrome, having been captured by Hun and his allies. His hands are bound by a glowing blue pair of handcuffs. Utrom Shredder steps in front of him. Hun bows to him as Splinter lies there on the ground. "What is this?" Utrom Shredder demands. Karai stood behind her father. "I asked for the turtles, the traitor, Jessika, Rachael and Ashlynn! And you bring back their...rat?!" He said.

"We became separated when their lair collapsed around us. But rest assured, master." Hun said. He holds up Splinter by the face, "as long as you have the rodent, the will come to you. You know, as bait." He said.

Karai turns to the Utrom Shredder, wondering of his plan. He never wanted the turtles, Jessika, Ashlynn, Rachael and Nathanial like this before, nor has he ever demanded their presence for anything other than destroying them. It was almost as if he...needed them. Which was a first for him. To her, it was a little...unnerving. "Father, what is this all about?" She asked.

"The turtles, Jessika, Ashlynn, Rachael and Nathanial." Utrom Shredder said as he clenches his fists. Karai didn't like his idea. "For my plans to proceed, I must have them. Ashlynn and Rachael's powers will prove essential to me. You have done well, Hun." He said.

Hun grins at his praise, nodding. Utrom Shredder walks up to a lever and pulls it. "Now...let us make ourselves easier to find. The time has rise!" He said as he pumps his fists in the air at his plan coming to fruition.


On the streets, everything seems normal as April, Casey, and the girls take a walk. April has her phone to her ear, but it goes to Ashly's voicemail. She's been trying to reach them for a while now.

"Hi! This is Ashly. Can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message!"

"They're still not answering. I'm telling you guys, something's wrong." She said as she voices in concern as she hangs up. "Try Rachael, Zoey." Stephanie said. Zoey nodded as she dialed for Rachael's number.

"Hey, it's Rachael. Can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message and have a nice day."

Zoey closed her phone. "Nothing." She said. "Ah, I'm sure everything's fine, April." Casey said as he tries to reassure her. "I'm trying Jessie." Stephanie said. "Leo's probably taken Ashly out. Same goes for Raph and Rachael." He said as he gestures to the streets. Stephanie had no luck with Jessie either. "I mean, take a look around. It's a beautiful night, everything's peachy." He said.

"But it's not. Mikey would've called me by now. He always leaves me a message every hour." Stephanie said as she frowns at her phone. "Same goes for Donnie. He always call me." Zoey said. "Yeah, you know how Splinter gets during their training sessions. He doesn't mess around." Casey said.

They start walking again only for the environment to shake, getting everyone's attention. Something suddenly bursts in the middle of an intersection, frightening everyone and making them run away. A taxicab stops, only to be blasted away by what looks like a geyser. The citizens run off as the cab lands upside down, causing a major hole to form. It starts spreading in four directions.

"What I said about 'peachy'-never mind." Casey said to the girls. "What the shell is going on?" Zoey asked as they run past a sinking building. A silhouette of a structure appears in the smoke from the damage.

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