Chapter 5

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Words Count: 1928


~:~ In the Battle Shell~:~

Meanwhile, the sixteen turtles, 2 Nathanial's, 2 Rachael's, 2 Jessika's and 2 Ashlynn's are still trying to track down the Technodrome. But this time, they have the Battle Shell to help them out. And Donatello's tracker, if they might add. What they don't know is that a helicopter is trailing them down. Rachael was bandaged her little sister Jessie's injured wrist. The 2 purple masked turtles sat up front, Master Splinter standing between them. "According to this. The Technodrome's close." Donatello said as he looks at the tracker.

The helicopter moves away, Ashly turning around in confusion as she sees nothing. She narrows her eyes before she sees a van approaching the Battle Shell. A laser is fired at her and she goes falling down. Hun rams into the Battle Shell, knocking down to the ground. Ashly gasps as she stands up, running over to the car.

Donnie gets out through the door. "Everyone alright?" He glances down at Ashly, who gives him a thumbs up. The others emerge from the fallen vehicle. "What the shell?" Raph asked. Jessie put her glove and wrist guard back on.

Everyone stares as the Purple Dragons emerge, Hun walking up on top with his dog, who barks. They reveal a dog mutant from the back of the van, the transformation by the Purple Dragon from before being touched with the mutagen having occurred. He growls at them, Ashly's eyes widening.

"Hun, you didn't tell us you had family in town." Raph said as the 2 Donatello's and Splinter jump down from the Battle Shell. "And you didn't tell me your doppelgangers were carrying super-powered mutagen." Hun accuses, the dog mutant growling again.

"What's he talking about?" Leo demands to his counterpart. Leonardo glances at his genius brother, who glances at the vials of purple mutagen he still has on him. The mutant jumps out of the van, snarling at them. They all gasp at how large it is. Jessie walked out of as she grabbed her bow and quiver. She look at her sister Ashly, then the mutated dog, then back at her sister. 

She remembers that Ashly is allergic to dogs. She look around and saw a pipe nearby the building. "A dog." Ashly murmurs as she backs away slightly. Jessie got an idea, so she picks it up. "It just had to be a dog!" She said.

"That stuff barely splattered my man here." Hun said. He kneels down and gestures to the former PD, who advances on them. "Imagine what I could do with more!" He said.

They all jump away as the mutant rams into the Battle Shell, all of them spreading out. It crawls around and leaps, Master Splinter jumping and smacking it with his staff. The mutant rubs his nose before knocking Splinter into the Battle Shell. Donatello leaps and lands near an alley, Hun approaching him.

"Give me that mutagen!" He demands to the turtle. "I don't think so!" Leo appears out of nowhere, kicking Hun and disorienting him a little. Leo attempts to attack once more, only to be tackled by the dog mutant. He gets thrown into a building nearby. The dog mutant approaches him, snarling. Splinter hears it and looks up, gasping as he sees Leo's predicament. "Leo!" Donnie yells as they rush over to him. "Leo!" Ashly shouts, the dog mutant raising a claw above them. Ashly's nose twitches before she sneezes. She put her hand under her nose and on her mouth. Jessie jumped over the mutated dog and blocked his paw. She swung the pipe to send the mutated dog flying away from her brother and sister.

She flinched of the pain in her wrist from earlier. She held the pipe in her hand while holding her wrist as the trio heard growling. The mutated dog launched towards Jessie as she landed on her back while blocking the mutated dog's teeth, drools and claws. "Jess!" Her eight older brothers yelled. "Jessie!" Rachael yelled. "Jess!" Nate said. Ashly didn't say anything except that her little sister just saved her life. "No!" Splinter said as he runs over to them, flipping a switch from the Battle Shell and firing missiles.

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