Chapter 7

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Words count: 1405


The Technodrome's repairs are underway, ordered by Utrom Shredder himself. The Foot Clan get to work as they plan to make a few changes to the...idiotic ship, as useful as it is on the inside. Utrom Shredder approaches the control room. "How go the repairs, Karai?" Utrom Shredder asked. "Very well, father." She reports. The new improved Foot soldiers were scraping off footprint logos. "The technology of Dimension X is ridiculous, but once revised with Utrom science, it will prove devastating." Karai said.

"Yes, the two merge well together." Utrom Shredder said as new yet better Foot Bots are being made above him. He looks at himself. "This new body is proof of that." He said. "And more proof—their robotic Foot soldiers. Clumsy, weak, almost..." Karai said as she and her father walk past the purple ones. One of the operatives rips off a head. "Cartoonish." She said. The operative throws the head away into a pile of discarded parts. "But now..." She said. The new Foot Bot fires lasers easily defeated the old one. 

"With the proper modifications, lethal. Our human troops have also been upgraded, by analyzing the mutagen that has affected Hun, we have successfully engineered our own mutant army." She said. A human operative gets affected by the ooze, his teeth turning into fangs until he finally turns into a mutant beast. "Soon, I will bring this world to its knees! And then-" Utrom Shredder said. "Wait! Stop!" 80s Shredder said. Two Foot robots are taking away 87 Shredder's chair, which he doesn't like at all.

"Come back here with my command chair! That's an order!" He said. "And then perhaps the world of my...worthless counterpart." Utrom Shredder said as they were walking past the surveillance room.

"Infinite possibilities have been opened to me thanks to this...Technodrome." He said. The doors open to the computer room and Karai stops at the entrance. "I shall rule a multiverse, Karai." He said. The doors close behind him. "Computer, this is the Shredder. I wish to learn about alternate dimensions. Show me...everything!" Utrom Shredder said. The computer starts to power up and he laughs evilly.


Back at the lair with Leo, his family and their counterparts. "Listen guys, we've tangled with Shred-Head and his Technodrome plenty of times." Leonardo said. "Oh really?" Ashly asked as she was crossing her arms. "In fact, we've got all kinds of special anti-Technodrome gear back home for just such an occasion." Leonardo said. "Special anti-Technodrome gear?" Leo asked as he looks in surprise, as does Donnie. "Certainly. But like Leonardo said it's back in our home dimension. We'll need to build some kind of trans-dimensional portal stick to get there—a gateway into other dimensions, but small enough to fit into most overhead compartments." Donatello said.

Donnie and Leo give dumbfounded looks at the explanation. "Donnie, whatever he's talking about, can it be done?" Leo wonders. "We've seen time-travel windows, cyber-mat transporters, but a dimensional portal in a stick? It sounds, well, silly. No offense." He said to his counterpart. Ashly rolls her eyes, stepping up to him.

"It didn't seem so silly for the Daimyo or Lord Simultaneous. You know, who possess a magical war staff and a time scepter? Those both took us to other dimensions separately AND 1406!" She said as she points out to him and he smiles sheepishly. "Those don't count." Donnie said. "Oh yeah, sure, they don't, but it still happened." Ashly places her hands on her hips. "Lynn, think about it. A dimensional portal, in a stick! It's not possible." Donnie argues. "I can't argue with science, but you on the other hand?" She said as she scoffs at him. Rachael crossed her arms. 

"One day it could be a portal gun, but you still wouldn't believe it." She said. "Hey, who's the mechanical genius in this family? You? Or-" Donnie asked. "Okay, okay, that's enough. Stop fighting, you two." Leo said as he steps between them, holding out his hands. "Come on, Mr. Wizard." Donatello said as he leads him to his counterpart's computer. Jessie stood next to Nate. 

"It'll be easy." He said. "Humph." Ashly said as she crosses her arms. Rachael was sitting on Raph's lap. Leo deduced it could be mood swings if she were that far along. If it were, he had to be careful or he could find himself without a wife and son. Or a daughter. Whichever it was, he would still love his child.


The Technodrome continues to undergo its drastic changes, but Kraang doesn't seem happy with Utrom Shredder using its services. He bangs on the door, in his man body, annoyed. "You're not the only one who needs to use the trans-dimensional portal, you know? Open up!" He said. 

Kraang kept banging on the door. "What are you doing in there, anyway?" He asked. A dark shadow looms over him, revealing it to be Karai. She pulls Kraang out of his body and he dangles from her grip. "My body!" He cried as he gasps in shock as she pulls him to her eyesight.

"Insolent slug. The Shredder's business is his and his alone." Karai said. She drops him onto the ground in front of her feet. "Do not seek to interrupt him again." She said. Just then, the doors open and the Shredder steps out, looking disoriented. "Father, what is it?" She asked tends to him. She stood next to him. "What's wrong? What did you see in there?" She asked. "Turtles, Karai. Ninja turtles, mutated turtle-hybrids, 2 Jessika's, 2 Rachael's and 2 Ashlynn's. I must have them—both teams at once." He said. "Yes." The voice of his counterpart said. 

87 Shredder appears out of nowhere. "Revenge, at last. I knew you'd come through. Together, we could crush the turtles, turtle-lizard freaks, Jessika's, Rachael's and As-" He said. Utrom Shredder knocks him away, wanting nothing to do with him anymore. "HUN!" Utrom Shredder calls out and he appears at his call. Mutated turtle version of Hun. "Tonight, you hunt. Find those who did this to you and bring them to me." He said. "It will be done, master." Hun said as he was narrowing his eyes as he prepares his revenge for his mutation.


At the lair, the stick is finished, but Donnie still has his doubts. Although his sister did make a good point, it just wasn't possible to make out of sheer hands. And a mere stick was no place for such an invention. "Okay, stand back." Donatello warns him as it powers up and sparks. They shield themselves in case of an upcoming explosion, but nothing happens. "Huh. That should've worked." He said. 

"Should've worked?!" Donnie exclaims in disbelief. "That'll never work. That's not a trans-dimensional portal stick that's..." Donnie said as he flips a switch, a light turning on from the lens. Everyone stood around the two purple masked. "A flashlight. Lynn's wrong, it can't be one." He said. "It was a flashlight, but with a little rewiring and a lot more positive thinking, it'll soon be a trans-dimensional portal stick. Now hand me that hammer." Donatello said. " a wrench." Donnie said as he holds up a large wrench. "Details." Donatello said as he snatches it from him. "What would that do?" Jessie asked. 

"Science isn't all about facts, you know." He said as he starts smashing on the makeshift flashlight, only to feel low rumbling. It happens again and suddenly, there's an explosion at the TV. "What the shell?" Donnie asked as he couldn't think of anyone who would just barge in like this, not without help. Nate, Leo and Raph protect the girls from the explosion.

Hun reveals himself, looking disgusting and deformed. Part of his shirt remained in his mutation, along with his hair and pants, which have been ripped to look like shorts. He has spikes on his shell, arm, and toes along with sharp teeth. His body remained the same, though with a shell and made to look more like a turtle. "TURTLES!" He yelled.


Sakura: Not again! First it was Baxter Stockman's Mousers destroying their first childhood home, then Colby and Karai as the new (and first female) Shredder with the Foot soldiers destroying their second home and Hun with help from Bebop and Rocksteady along with Foot Bots destroying their fourth home! Our heroes are having a very bad luck.

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