Chapter 3

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Words count: 2849


~:~In the Technodrome~:~

Deep down in the ground, in the Earth's core, stands a Technodrome down a tunnel. Someone's trying to get it started but it was no use. The controls were probably destroyed or the wires were crossed or cut.

"Primary engines offline."

"Blasted machine!" A male voice said. Two claws destroy the computer, belonging to a hand: The Shredder. Or, to be more specific, the 80s Shredder. He has a black and grey outfit, his arms and shoulders covered in spiked armory. He also wears a purple cape over his shoulder and a metal helmet and a mask that covers his whole face save for his eyes. "How does a minor battle with those annoying turtles and Blondie cause the engines too..." Something appears on the computer. "What the devil?! A temporary anomaly? It seems the trans-dimensional portal has thrown the Technodrome to an entire differently dimension." He shouts in agony, sitting in his chair and placing his hands on his cheeks.

"I hate those turtles, turtle-lizard boy, two Brunettes and Blondie." He said as he turns away in his chair, only to hear more annoying beeping. He sharply turns back. "What now?" He asked.

"Perimeter breach. Perimeter breach."

The sixteen turtles, 2 Ashlynn's, two Rachael's, two mutated turtle-hybrids, two Jessika's and the lone Splinter arrive in the tunnel, having tracked the Technodrome. 

"You were right, uh, Donatello." Donnie said as the signal on his hand-held device he's holding beeps faster. "Tracking the recent weird seismic activity has led us straight to the...uh..." He said. 

"Technodrome!" Leonardo shouts as they eye the source of light and find out that it's coming from the giant eyeball on the top of the war machine.

"A giant golf ball on wheels?" Raph said as he voices his opinion on the sight before him. Jessie and Nate look up at it. "That's your Shredder's ultimate weapon?" Rachael asked. "You'd think it'd be more threatening what with all the Shredders we know." Ashly mutters, crossing her arms. Raph put his arm around his girlfriend, soon-to-be-fiancée.

"Looks can be deceiving, my wife." Leo places his hands on her shoulders from behind and she gives a small smile. She secretly liked being called that, but if Leo ever found that out, he would never let her live it down.

"Wife?!" Leonardo and Ashlynn ask in confusion. They both look at each other before looking away, Leonardo whistling nervously as they move away from each other slightly. Leo and Ashly raise their eyebrows at this behavior, but don't question it.

"Fiancée?!" Raphael and Rachael cried in confusion. They look at each other before taking a few steps away from each other, as Raphael was whistling and walking away to stand next to his siblings. "Long story." Ashly said as she waves it off. "If we have time, we'll tell you later-" Rachael said. Ashly suddenly feels a sharp pain in her stomach, bending down as she places an arm over her stomach. "Whoa, ice princess, lay off on the sweets." Raph comments as he and Donnie help her up. 

Rachael kneels down on one knee while holding her stomach. "Rachael." Jessie said as she and Nate went to her aid. They help her to her feet again. "You too, Rach." He said as he held his soon-to-be fiancée in his arms. "Are you two okay?" Donatello asked her in concern. "We're...fine now." Ashly said as she and Rachael sits on the ground, holding their heads and their stomachs. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me all of a sudden today. I get tired, the headaches, and now the nausea..." Ashly said. "One minute, we're fine and the next thing...we get tired, headaches and not to mention emotions. It's not about sweets." Rachael said.

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