Chapter 9

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Word Count: 1828


A red-haired woman in a yellow jumpsuit and white boots turns around to see little mutants approaching her. Leprechauns, bananas, pizzas, and little bomb-like mutants to be exact. She shrieks in terror, the turtles, 2 mutated turtle-hybrids, 2 Jessika's, 2 Rachael's and Ashlynn's following the sound of her scream. The eight 03' turtles, Nate, Rachael, Ashlynn and Jessie are nonetheless, very confused.

"We save April at least once a day." Donatello said. He and his family rushing over to help. "You can set your watch to it." He said. Leonardo knocks down a lamp post, sending the two ball mutants flying like bowling pins. Michelangelo runs up to the banana mutant, pulling down the banana peel. He shrieks and runs off. "Was that a mutant...banana?" Raph asked as the others look on, dumbfounded. "This dimension is seriously messed up." Mikey said.

"Maybe even more than ours." Ashly said/murmurs under her breath. Leo turns to her in concern. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes." She said as she giggles at him, remembering her symptoms from earlier. Nate and Jessie standing next to each other. "I'm fine for now." She said. 

"Good." Leo said as he smiles at her. "Cowabunga!" The eight 80s turtles, mutated turtle-hybrid, Rachael, Jessika and Ashlynn high five each other when they're done. "Boy. When you guys are out of town, the threats on my life sure do pile up." 80s April said as she places her hands on her hips. She gasps when their '03 counterparts approach the group. "There are sixteen of you now. Holy scoop!" She said with a smile on her face.

"What the shell?" Ashly said as she looks in confusion at the out of date slang. The turtles look surprised and also just as confused as the brunette. Rachael was just as confuse as her fiancée and her siblings.

"Wait, you're April?" Donnie asked as he points to her. Jessie whispered to Nate. "That's not our April." She said/whispered. Nate nodded. "Um, what's with the yellow jump suit? Do you work at a car wash in this dimension?" He asked. "I'm a reporter—April O'Neil." She said as she was gesturing to herself. She then pulls out her camera. "And you're my ticket to a Peabody." She said. They stare at each other in perplexment, as she didn't look like a reporter to them. 

Leonardo speeds over to her. "Sorry, April. No time for an exclusive," he pulls the camera down. "We've got to get these guys in the lair." The twelve 80s counterparts rush off, the twelve '03 counterparts running after them. April looks on before she's grabbed by the mutant banana and taken away, screaming.


"Follow me!" Leonardo said as he runs into a phone booth, but they're squished inside. "My eye!" They said at the same time. "Quit pushing!" The girls said at the same time. "Quit shoving!" Jessie said. "That was my tail!" Nate said.


They fall down a shaft and end up in the sewers, sprawled on top of each other. The 80s counterparts laugh, the '03 counterparts turning to each other in bewilderment. Two brown feet covered in bandages stop the laughter as someone stands in front of them. The 80s Ashlynn, Jessika and Rachael were on the floor next to the 80s turtles and mutated turtle-hybrid. Jessie is on her older brother Raph's back. "Jess, this has to stop." He said. 

"Sorry, but you'll always be there to break my fall." She said. "Welcome home, my turtles, Nathanial, Rachael and Ashlynn." The brown rat said. The aforementioned turtles, Nathanial, Jessika, Rachael and Ashlynn all smile at him. The '03 turtles, Nathanial, Jessika, Rachael and Ashlynn give shocked looks at the brown rat, who blinks at them. " turtles, Nathanial, Jessika, Rachael and Ashlynn?" He asked. Michelangelo just waves at him.

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