He was the man that all the girls spoke of. Valentino didn't seem like the worst person in the world. He appeared more dangerous than scary. I opened the door and exited only to be met with the loud music of the club. I quickly made my way towards the back when I was pulled by someone.

"Where the hell did you go?" Janice asked, her eyebrows pulled together with worry drawn all over her face. I bit down on my lip as I looked around in search for Mr. Romano. He was nowhere to be seen. It was almost as if after our little heated session, he had disappeared.

"If I tell you, you have to promise not to judge me," I tell her. Her eyebrow is still raised as she awaits my answer. I grabbed onto her arm and take her somewhere more private.

"You know Mr. Romano, right?" I asked her. Her entire face dropped as she nodded her head slowly.

"The man I told you to run away from because he lives a very dangerous lifestyle and could have you killed with the snap of his fingers because he's a killer?" She asked in one breath. I smiled brightly before giving her a thumbs up.

"Yes, Janice! That's the one," I said happily. It was my way of trying to cover up how upset she was going to be once I told her what happened.

"Gosh, Anastasia, what did you do?" She asked. My shoulders dropped in defeat. I hated that I let him do what he did, but I didn't hate how pleased he made me feel. It made my body ache for more, but I knew that I couldn't let that happen.

"I didn't know who he was at first. When he asked for a private dance, I was going to let him down. Then, he offered me ten thousand dollars so I said yes," I explained shortly.

"You gave him a dance? That's fine. It is honestly kind of shocking, though, he doesn't normally ask for dances. He checks out the club for a second and then leaves," she told me. I was beyond confused, but I didn't want to show that.

"That's not all. I also might have let him go down on me," I whispered. Her mouth dropped. For a second, I thought she was frozen. Janice wouldn't even blink, and it was starting to scare me.

"I promised Liliana that I would take good care of you. You do realize that you are under Mr. Romano's radar now. What he chooses to do with you is out of my control. He's a lot more dangerous than you think," she proclaimed.

"How dangerous could he be? It's not like he's in a mafia or something," I laughed out. My laugh carried on until I saw that she was not laughing with me. Her face was as hard as stone.

"He is, isn't he?" I questioned. She let out a sigh before nodding her head. My face immediately dropped. All I felt was fear strike itself into my heart as I thought back to what happened.

"So, this club is what? His way of laundering dirty money. Now that I think about it, all of these men are mafia men, aren't they?" I queried.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Janice, what the hell did you get me in to? I didn't sign up to be working as some mafia stripper," I told her. She nodded her head in understanding.

"Look, it isn't as bad or scary as you think. V.V. is in the mafia and he wasn't a bad guy at all, right? It's just Mr. Romano and Mr. Rossi that any of us girls worry about. Everyone else is absolutely harmless," she told me.

Shaking my head, I walked away. I wasn't upset with her, I was upset with myself. I should've listened to Janice when she told me about Mr. Romano. Something about him was just pulling me in and it was impossible to stop it.

She followed right behind me and led me back to the backstage area. I grabbed my phone, my keys, and everything else that I had brought before changing back into my clothes.

When I had finished, I exited the club before opening attempting to open my car door. I tried to pull it open, it would not work. Frustration was burning through my mind as I tried to open the door once again. After some thought, I realized that I never unlocked the door.

"I am an idiot," I told myself before unlocking the door and getting in. The minute I started up the car, I could feel eyes burning into me. So, I looked up in the direction and my eyes caught those familiar sets of green ones. It was no one other than Valentino himself leaning against the wall with a cigar in his mouth.

I licked my bottom lip as I stared at him before starting up my car and driving away from the club. I am going to stay away from him. I promise I will.


here is the promised update. i hope you all enjoyed this semi-steamy chapter. trust me when i say that it is only going to get better from here. thank you so much for reading. i will see you all next update.

also, be sure to check out my other works. i want to update my stories a lot more frequently, but i tend to get distracted and lazy. i promise i will get better lmao.

much love,
- a.marie


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