Part 1 "Is someone there?"

Start from the beginning

"Uh, no. Not lost, actually." She responded sheepishly, opening and closing her mouth a few times as she tried to get her words in order. "Well, our carriage is stuck. I was going for help."

"Your carriage?"

"Yeah. There was a rut and... well, our wheel got stuck." She paused to take a breath. "Has it rained recently? These roads have been really muddy. Even if we hadn't become stuck, we still would've been late, you know?"

The auburn haired girl simply watched her with amusement, causing Josie to ramble more.

"My sister has been very adamant that we stick to her schedule. She wrote it out on some parchment, literally. Though it's not like that's been helpful, since we're stuck now. Going to be late no matter what."

"And what is it that you're in such a hurry to not be late for?" The young woman interjected, taking pity on the brunette's spiraling rant with a smile.

"We have to get to Lykos Hold for..." She paused, unsure if she should share what their actual quest was. If she revealed that she's of noble blood, this girl might decide to send some men to kidnap them. They could hold them for ransom, or sell them. Or maybe she would laugh at Josie for answering a summons by the Mikaelson's to see if they were interested in marriage. Or maybe she would think it pathetic that many more, in higher social standing than the Saltzman's, had also been called upon. They were to fight for the hand of the Mikaelson heir. Josie was about to try and marry someone in order to aggrandize her family. Her father had sent both her and her twin sister, doubting the chance of only one daughter, instead trying to double their odds. Putting the two twins in a position where they would have to fight against one another for the hand of some stranger. Josie didn't agree with this one bit, but she was going along with it. For the sake of her family. Just because she was, didn't mean that she needed to risk this beautiful stranger thinking ill of her. Even though it totally did not matter. "I'm visiting my aunt. She hates it when we're late."

The auburn haired girl looked at her quizzically, before her face morphed into an unreadable expression. Just as soon as it was there, she seemed to shrug it away, whistling for her horse. It walked out of the brush and nuzzled her shoulder.

"Town isn't far. I'll send someone to come help you." The kind stranger said as she got up onto her horse. "You should hurry back, the woods aren't safe for girls walking by themselves. There's monsters you know." She ends with a teasing wink, urging her horse into a gallop as she turned away. Josie briefly thought about shouting after the other girl, to point out that she was alone in the woods as well. But she would only be saying that to the dust as it settled, she was long gone.

Later on, Lizzie would ask her why she trusted a stranger to send for help. Josie wouldn't know how to respond, because it was simply a feeling. Something in her gut told her she could relay on the auburn haired stranger.

She thanked her lucky stars as they finally passed through the outer gate to Lykos Hold. Even though it was dark by the time they arrived, she could still see that it was a huge castle. Calling it a Hold almost wasn't right. But the Mikaelson's had expanded territory-wise, meaning it was logical that there had been many additions to this place. And why change a name if it was perfect? The ragged grey stone gave the illusion that they were entering a wolf's den. Based on everything the Saltzman girl had heard, this was a logical assessment even in a metaphorical way.

Even though they were extremely late, there were people in the inner bailey to meet them. Though their numbers most definitely were grander when there was light. The two sisters exchanged nervous glances as they noticed the hunting hounds sat in a menacing line. They must have been very well trained to sit still like that. Just because the Saltzman's walked faster than normal to the castle door doesn't mean they were afraid. Those mutts just looked untrustworthy is all.

It was all a blur as they were ushered into the castle. The Lord that was tasked with welcoming them seemed rather eager to go to bed. They got a quick tour of the grand hall, containing the throne and many tables where they were expected to eat breakfast tomorrow. It was a huge room with high ceilings, banners hanging from the walls. No doubt they had the Mikaelson's coat of arms plastered across them. But it was too dark to see. The whole castle seemed to be wrapped up in shadows, as it relied on huge windows more than torchlight. So their tour ended quickly, their guide ensuring them that they would get a proper tour in the afternoon of the next day. So he lead them up the grand staircase to the wing of the castle they would be staying in. It was the East wing, their guide promised them gorgeous views of the woodland surrounding the castle. Lizzie muttered something under her breath about experiencing enough forest to last a lifetime.

"—And this is your parlor. Or rather, the parlor connected to your rooms." The Lord guiding them exclaimed. It was a big room with a fireplace on the farthest wall. It had comfy looking sofas and chairs arranged in a pleasant way, all in light colours. In fact, they were the lightest colours the girls had seen their whole tour. "There are a few other guests staying here."

Lizzie was about to convey her shock and offense at having to share with other guests, especially their competition, when the man motioned to the two doors on the left.

"You will each have your own room. I hope you find them to your liking. Our staff will send your servants up for you tomorrow, and we'll let you know when it's time to head to the great hall."

The girls nodded politely in response, not being able to bring themselves to tell this nobleman that they didn't bring servants. They couldn't afford them. With a bow the man was gone, hurrying off to his chambers to get some sleep.

When Josie entered her room she saw her trunks had thankfully been delivered, and she was eager to get ready for bed. Her room was quite big, with a tub in the corner, and bed in the middle of the back wall. There was a huge window seat to her right, with a dressing station to her left. She knew that she should unpack before she even thought about sleep, but her bones were weary, and the weight of everything just came crashing down on her shoulders. She pushed through it though, mindlessly tucking and hanging her clothes up, setting out the few nicknacks she had brought. She decided to set them by the window, already knowing that she would spend most of her time in this room there.

When she got to her ukulele she smiled, cradling the instrument and softly playing a few cords. She would have gotten caught up in the wonderful de-stressing that music provided her, but soft knocking on her door interrupted that.

"Who is it?" She asked, her face close to the dark stained wood of the door.

"It's me, Lizzie."

Josie immediately opened the door and ushered her sister in with a tired smile. "What's up?"

"Can I sleep in here with you tonight?"

"Of course." She replied, thankful for her sisters company. She may have done the same thing if Lizzie hadn't beaten her to it.

The blonde mumbled a soft thanks as she walked towards the bed. They blew out all the candles, and then fell asleep.

Josie's dreams may or may not have consisted of a stranger in red.


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