Part 21: "Hey, sweetheart."

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A/n: Content/Trigger warning for religious/homophobic/drunk Alaric boooo I just wanna write girls kith and this chapter did NOT go as silly goofy as I wanted it to. If any of these topics relate to things you cant read please skip until the end and I'll give you a summary of what you need to know <3

Also I'm returning to Friday updates for the next few chapters minimum :)


The end was drawing nearer for the surviving players in the King's game. And although Lizzie was honorably discharged from the fight, she wasn't without reward. Josie hoped that favor from King Niklaus, but mostly the trunk of gold currently sitting by her bed, would be enough to smooth the feathers of her father. His impending arrival would occur tomorrow. This news was pushed to the side once Penelope came in to gossip about the latest trials. Lizzie was starting to warm up to Hope's best friend, in exchange for heavy detail on the events that lead up to Dana being coated in mud. It was the "perfect revenge" for what she'd said to the brunette, yet not enough. Josie was still chuckling about what Lizzie thought would be enough as she snuck down to the kitchens. She was descending the staircase at a careful pace, and upon reaching the bottom, poked her head through the door. It was just after the last meal of the day, yet the sun still cast golden light around the mostly gloomy castle. She figured now was as a good a time as any to sneak away. With a final check to the item in her pocket, she crept into the kitchen.

The few cooks and chefs pay her no mind, and Josie wonders about what, more importantly whom, they see sneaking around here to cause them all to be so attitude détendue. She stands up taller and walks to the back door, exiting through another hallway before she's outside at last. It's not a long walk to the district she's looking for, according to her research. She takes the note from her pocket and reads the address one last time, rubbing her thumb across her fathers words.

Dear girls,
I've come to take you home, pack your things and be ready to leave by tomorrow at noon. I'll be staying at the White Rabbit if thou requires respite from the lunacy of your hosts.
- Alaric Saltzman

Josie sighed, tucking the note back into her dress pocket. The servant who brought the note could've read it, hells, anyone able to intercept it could have. Although her father sometimes acted as if he was a great intellectual, sometimes he did things that were dumb as rocks.

Her gate was brisk as she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders. There was a chill beginning to creep its way into the air, and she could already see spots of colour developing on the faraway trees. Josie decided to herd herself amongst the group of people leaving the castle. They all appeared to be going in the same direction anyway. It's not that Josie needed to sneak out and blend in, it was just better if no one else knew about her plans. Or where her father resided. Not wanting to be alone for too long, the brunette hurried towards the White Rabbit. Yes, maybe she should've told someone where she was going, she could admit that. But tonight was a night of bad ideas, and she knew any other variables could ruin the success of what she was attempting. Especially if it was going to turn out as she suspected.

The White Rabbit was located in one of the lower districts within walking distance of a local lake. It seemed to be reserved for touristic pursuits, with many corner callers trying to entice her into different schemes. Gambling dens, pleasure houses, restaurants with facades that looked elegant in the orange light. But drying fish and wet dog hung pungent in the air, mixed with pine sap and saw dust. For all Alaric's morale preaching, he should've been on the other side of town. But he was here, because of course he was, at one of the best establishments for cheap liquor. Or at least the sign for cheap liquor seemed to announce.

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