"I think it was more like a fit of rage," I said.

"But didn't all these years of service meant nothing to him? Did he forget, he himself told you, you were equal to Bhisma in being his student."

"That's all in the past, I don't want to dwell on it. So, I request we just stop here."

"Oh... Sorry." Ashwathama sadly said, facing the rippling water.

We walked on the bank of Ganga as if tracing it to its origin. The water today had some speed. It made the clucking sound as it hopped on the rocks. The short icy breezes of air swirled around us. The fresh air of the morning was full of flowery scent. We both were carrying some flat stones in our hands and went on skipping them on the water as we walked. Ashwathama's face has turned to like an old woman. Like it would sag out from all over. He was still dwelling on the past. No matter what I told him, he just can't forgive his father. I've never seen a boy who was so angry with the man who cared for him in his complete life.

"He gave me his Vijaya bow, though," I said trying to improve the mood


"What?" his eyes lit up. His mouth gaped open when the shinning blue color sparkled in his eyes as I manifested the sky crystal bow in my hand.

"Whoa.... amazing.

Father told me about Parshuram's bow. Once upon a time it belonged to Lord Shiva himself. He could pierce the earth with it. After his axe, this bow was the most powerful arsenal he has.....I'm mean had.

And he gave it to you?" he said, gasping.

"Like you said, I was an exemplary student. And also he regretted cursing me a second later." I chuckled.

"But while handing me the bow he said to use it on an opponent I recognize as stronger.Cause this bow always...."

"Always brings victory." He finished my sentence.

"Father used to say that.Even normal arrows are equal or stronger than that of elemental arrows.And not anyone can just lift Shiva's bow. But you are holding it like it's a twig."

"Well, it is light. And I like the grip. It feels well fitted in my hand."

"That's why he gave it to you. He knew you could use it.Can you show me a shot?"

"This bow is dangerous Ashwathama.I don't intend to use it until I find a worthy foe."

"But this is an Ultimate rare chance for anyone to see it in action. Let alone me.Please, just once....."


"Come on, only a single arrow. It sends sparks with each one. Let me see at least that..." But he kept nagging. I dissolved the bow in the air like a powder of stars.

Sootputra: The Unsung HeroWhere stories live. Discover now