A Brahmin

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Man should've taken a rest at the river bank.

I misjudged this forest. It is not agreeing to end.

I was travelling through the forest of Reech kingdom, the same one said to have the king of animals. I always was fascinated by the tale, but now I wish they weren't true. 

A rustle happened then, a splash of Mudd and a slow growl 

I definitely heard it. Sounded like a beast. 

The shrubbery provided a nice camouflage so I near the source of the fierce sound. It was night time but thanks to the clear full moon everything lit up like painted with silver. 

"Help .....'

"Over there....."

I jumped off the obstructive rock and climbed the tree to have a better visual searching for the source


A Tiger had surrounded what looked like a bear in front of a large cave.

"Help me, anyone. 

please leave me."

A bear who could talk? She sounded like a little girl.

I jumped down from the tree on the rock the previously blocked my way to break my fall. I rushed towards the tiger and then hid it behind the nearby rock. The wind was blowing downside. so he couldn't smell me. Now I just have to make sure he couldn't hear me either.

I ready my bow and strung it. Then with two arrows knocked I aimed at him.

"Just a little................ to the left."

I waited for him to get in line and then launched both my arrows at him. Both the arrows hit there marks. Now with his front and back foot out of order, he couldn't move. Without wasting any time I picked another arrow and shot him in his eye while getting closer. In his moment of disarray, I  took my knife out.

"Sorry for this, Oh great beast."

I plunged it in his heart and turned it to ensure his instant and minimal pain death.  The tiger squeaked his last sound and fell into an eternal slumber.

Now covered in blood I sat there looking at the girl. It was hard to describe her she looked like a bear but still had qualities of a human girl. Half-Bear and Half-Human. I was a little confused. But I didn't enquire. I didn't have the strength or the courage to do that for now.

If anything I wanted her to start the conversation at her pace. 

I looked at the sky and fell down flat on the earth. I smell terrible, I thought to myself. 

"Will you eat it?" 


"The Tiger, Will you eat it?" The girl asked.

She had a normal soft voice of a girl with a gurgle but from her appearance, she was definitely related to bears somehow. Her nose was all black and she had a mouth like that of a bear. Her whole body was covered with thick black hair. 

But unlike a usual one, She was standing on her two feet and was slim for her species. She didn't wear any clothes though, so it was kind of hard to tell if looking at her was appropriate or not.

"No, I don't eat meat well, not the tiger's at least."


She was a little hesitant to talk.

"You must be hungry. It looks like you haven't eaten for a while. 


Besides, it'll only rot in this form."

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