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"Karna! you bastard snake!"

The thundering voice broke my sleep, in it Shon had just landed a bullseye but then the target dusted. It was a faint morning, the dew was starting to vanish when he shouted again. I didn't realize what was going on. The Acharya was standing before me with blood in his eyes, I've seen him angry when I failed in my training but this searing gaze was boiling my skin off. I noticed that my right lap was still bleeding when the congealed blood wet my finger with red colour, there was a swollen purple bulb on my thigh that I wanted to scratch and the 5 bees were lying down on the floor not moving.

"no brahmins could ever hope to withstand that pain without even a squeak.

Are you a Kshatriya Karna? 

Are you here to steal my knowledge and teachings by impersonating as a Brahmin all these years?

You have always radiated a warmth like that of the sun. But I mistook it for your tej as would a Brahmin earns after his long meditation.

This tej and This aura can only belong to a royal blood. A Kshatriya'

You knew I hate Kshatriya's. 

That's why you posed as a Brahmin.

I have vowed to never teach one and yet you made me break my own vow.

Betrayed my trust and stole all my teachings."

It was on of the few and far between times when I was scared out of my wits, like a cornered cat I just stood their comprehending the situation when the words that devastated the very thread of my life came.

"I curse you, Karna.

I curse you that you will forget every skill related to bow, sword, mace, spear and the fist ever learned. Every Astra and Shastra will betray you in a fight. You will not be able to withstand even a small fistfight." 

Guru Parshurama was full of rage, If only he had his axe in hand, he would not hesitate to separate my head from my body. His blood was pouring in his eyes as he looked down upon me. But I couldn't do anything to calm his rage. After all, I was, the one who deceived him, maybe I deserved all this that has happened. 

"Oh Acharya, Forgive me for my insolence and insubordination this time.

It is true that I have deceived you by faking as a Brahmin but I had no intention of stealing your teaching or betraying your trust.

It is true That I am no Brahmin but It is also true that I am no Kshatriya either. I am just a son of a small charioteer, A Sootputra. 

When I came to you I was merely a child. Not knowing what's right, what's wrong. The consequences of my lie eluded me. I just wanted to earn your blessing and train my skills to the best with only one goal in mind, that is to be the Best Archer in the world.

Oh wise one, I have never betrayed your teachings and would have never done it.

I have always been your determined and diligent student. I always worked hard to be your best. I would've never misused the teachings that you have bestowed upon me. "

I said while bowing down before him and touching his feet.

"Still I will gladly accept this curse as your blessing and move forward. 

for you are the first one aside from my family who have taken care of me. 

You are the first one who has never looked down or discriminated against me.

All these 9 years of teachings, I will treasure them my whole life even if I can't use them anymore.

I know I can't be forgiven for what I have done but if you find it in your heart and for all these years of me as your student,

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