Goodbye Parker Luck

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Thank you everyone for reading. We reached 100! Thanks to @FangirlAvengerfor all of your votes and comment, it means so much to us (: Enjoy the chapter.

Peter set his alarm early for the next day at school, hoping to arrive before the hallways were filled with SI gossip. Unfortunately, his plan meant that he got even less sleep than he usually did. When he woke up, his sleep deprivation had reached a whole new level. He forced himself out of bed and, without opening his eyes, got dressed and headed to school. He kept having to force his eyes open whilst he walked to the train but thankfully, the train stopped in the station just as he walked up to it. Grateful, he sat down in the train and leaned his head back, relying on his spidey-sense to stop him from missing his stop.

Unfortunately, although there had been a train in the station, it was not his train, taking him in a completely different direction. Two stops later he sat up quickly, looking around and dashing off the train, groaning as he did so.

When he finally arrived at school, he stood a street away, looking at his watch.

Great, 5 minutes before homeroom, why does my life have to be like this?

He took a deep breath and walked through the doors. Immediately he was crowded by a group of teenagers, grabbing onto his arms and giving him their phone numbers and trying to be his friend. He pretended not to notice and, with his head down, continued towards his locker where Ned and MJ were waiting for him.

MJ frowned, seeing all of the come-ons Peter was currently having to brush she decided to say something. Shoving through the crowd so that she was standing in front of Peter protectively she shouted,

"Now listen up, all of you are gonna turn around and walk back down this hallway, without giving Peter any more love notes alright,"

Peter placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down,

"Frankly I think it is disgusting that all of you people who didn't spare a glance towards Peter before this trip are now suddenly infatuated with him, honestly you are all disgraces."

She then surveyed the crowd and slowly, very slowly, pulled Peter in to kiss her. She kept him there for about 30 seconds to ensure that the crowd got the point, and finally released him. She smirked at his bright red face.

"Why is he so cute when he's embarrassed," she thought, but instead of saying that she just shouted "Scram" to all of the shell shocked students frozen in place by the blatant power move.

Peter just continued to stare at MJ,

"You didn't need to do that MJ."

"Of course I didn't, but only I get to come onto my loser," she kissed his cheek and then said

"Bye losers, you should probably go to your lesson, I doubt Ms Warren will have forgotten about you!"

"Don't be late tonight MJ," Peter shouted after her.

"Yeah yeah," she waved back.

Ned grabbed his hand and started rambling about the new lego Imperial Star Destroyer that he was hoping to get for his birthday. Peter, however, was busy worrying about how Ms Warren and the rest of his class would treat him after the field trip.

As they walked over the threshold of the classroom, a silence fell,

"Oh God," Peter thought, looking at the floor. He stumbled over to his seat, avoiding eye contact with everyone. He shrunk back in his seat, feeling himself turning red, uncomfortable with all eyes on him. Ms Warren attempted to start the class, but none of her students with the exception of Peter and Ned (kinda) were concentrating. Or rather they were, but on Peter, not on the lesson.

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