Bi Disaster #2

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Ok here's chapter 2! I hope everyone likes it, it's slightly longer than the first also, I'm trying to check through but I have ADHD so please pick me up on grammar and spelling errors when you see them :)

'Hey May!' Peter shouted as he walked through the door to their apartment in the tower. He was more than a little fearful at the prospect of trying to keep the field trip slip out of the hands of two super spies, two geniuses and THE Pepper Potts.

He handed the slip over to May, frowning as she laughed and hitting her with the famous Parker Puppy Dog Eyes ™.

'I've known you for all 17 years of your life Peter Parker, those eyes have nearly lost their effect on me.' Nearly was the keyword as she added her signature and handed it back. He hurriedly shoved it to the very bottom of his overflowing rucksack, hoping that all the other random pieces of paper floating around in the bag would throw the spies off its scent. Once it was safely buried he asked FRIDAY where Tony was.

"Tony is in his lab, drinking his 13th cup of coffee of the day" FRIDAY's voice said. She seemed to have a soft spot for Peter (along with everyone else in the tower), portraying more emotion around Peter than with anyone else except Tony, but then again he is her father.

'Ok cool tell him I'm coming up.' May rolled her eyes at her nephew's eagerness to get to the lab. He was such a massive nerd.

Bouncing out of the room, he hastily made a beeline for the lab, expertly avoiding all of Clint's glitter bomb booby traps that still remained from the previous week's prank war. He arrived at the glass door of the lab just in time to hear Tony ask FRIDAY to switch his music off. Grinning, he ran inside calling out 'Thanks Fri' as she slid the door open.

Tony turned around and smiled back at him, his eyes lighting up as he saw his young so- intern and beckoned him to come and work on the spidey suit. After an hour and a half Peter had already confiscated the coffee machine, dummy, the blowtorch and the precision tools from Tony (he'd set himself on fire repeatedly) and sent him upstairs to sleep. Peter would never understand how that man was still alive. Pepper definitely had something to do with it.

He grabbed the web-shooters from the table and brought them to his special section of the lab, complete with frosted glass walls and a very official placard inscribed with 'Peter Parker', and then underneath in pink glitter, 'bi disaster #2'. Shuri, of course, was bi disaster #1.

Sighing, he hastily finished his Spanish homework and then took his web-shooters apart, looking for the broken lever that controlled the ejection of the fluid that had been bothering him all week. But before he could find it FRIDAY told him that it was dinner time.

Always thankful that he no longer relied on May's cooking, he bounded into the lift and out into the kitchen. Everyone was already sitting around waiting for him and he rushed to tuck into the massive heap of spaghetti put in front of him. Mid-way through a mouthful he heard Natasha nonchalantly say,

"Итак, когда вы собирались рассказать нам о своей поездке на поле, паук. Я здесь действительно захватывающее место в этом году." (So when were you going to tell us about your field trip. I hear it's a really exciting location this year.)

Bucky snorted violently, almost choking on his pasta in the process and being reprimanded by Steve. Peter hastily replied, meaningfully glancing at Tony who was sitting on his other side

"Пожалуйста мама паук, не говорите, я не хочу его смущать меня." (Please don't tell, mama spider, I don't want him to embarass me).

"Прекрасный паук, но я не могу обещать, что они не узнают" (Fine baby spider, but I can't promise that they won't find out).

She looked back down at her pasta and Peter heaved a huge sigh of relief. This attracted a few stares from his superfamily but he was more than accustomed to ignoring them at this point. Focussing on eating his pasta, he tried to repress his mounting anxiety for the coming trip.

He was right to be nervous...

Cliff hanger! Tune in tomorrow for the next instalment! 

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