FRIDAY Is a Traitor

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Ok, Chapter 3, let's hop to it!

The next day Peter was late to the school bus that would be taking his class on the field trip of doom. Upon seeing him, Ms Warren smiled and ushered him onto the bus, knowing that he is predictably late for everything (except for every meal). He settled in his seat next to Ned, who was bouncing up and down again. Peter was pretty sure that Ned was so excited he had lost his ability to speak, judging from the high-pitched squeals he made every couple of minutes.

Putting his head on the seat in front of him he listened in to some of the other students' conversations. Flash was raving about Spider-Man, something that Peter had not and will never get used to. In the end, he settled on MJ; he found the turning of the pages on her book soothing. She also hummed very quietly under her breath sometimes, so quietly that most wouldn't notice, but his super hearing made it very clear.

Once the bus came to a stop Ms Warren started the usual mandatory field trip lecture.

"We have arrived at Stark industries, once we get off you will wait quietly in a group in the lobby, do not leave my sight," she looked pointedly at Peter to punctuate the comment," or wander off. Do not touch anything or distract anyone that seems to be working. Stark Industries employees work on incredibly time-sensitive, dangerous or classified projects; they don't need you meddling in them.

The group ignored this completely making loud sounds of awe, Peter however, kept close to Ms Warren. The lobby was exceptionally mundane compared to what he saw on a day to day basis and he didn't want to risk running into anyone who might embarrass him. This attempt was thwarted by Parker Luck™ as the teacher called the class over. Peter's eyes fell on the tour guide hastily walking towards them.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to Stark industries. My name is Alice and I will be your tour guide today. If you could come up to collect your badges when I call your name that would be great."

Peter shrank away to the back of the crowd; he didn't want Alice to recognise. She was one of the interns he worked with when he visited the lower labs, because of course she was. She was also in his Prank War alliance, helping him create glitter darts and paint bombs (the latter had been banned by Tony after the Pink Paint incident).

"Sally Avril"

Oh no, she'll recognise my name Peter thought.

"Abraham Attah"

"Betty Brant"

Oh my God Oh my god this is a disaster.

"Jason Ionelloe"

He signalled to MJ who just shrugged and flipped him the bird.

He made a heart with his hands (not in the weird half upside-down way Tom Holland does it)

And before he knew it Alice was calling his name.

"Peter Parker"

He looked at her with pleading eyes and she just grinned and said,

"Peter! I didn't know you were coming on a tour - this could only happen to you. Mr Stark will be really happy to see you, he came round the intern labs today to check on our projects."

"Oh that's so cool, did he like the new StarkPhone charger?"

"Yeah, he said it was good!"

"High praise from Mr Stark, and what did he think of the puppy ro..."

Peter trailed off, realising that the rest of the class was still standing behind them. He gave Alice a little smile and then shuffled to the back of the group next to Ned.

Peter's Disastrous Field TripTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang