Dr Stark, Mr Stark, Dad?

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Sorry, I missed yesterdays update, I'm finding chapter 8 a little hard to wrangle (:

Peter's heart was beating incredibly fast when the doors of the lift opened. He had no idea what to expect - he wouldn't put it past Tony to have organised a welcoming party with banners and balloons designed specifically to embarrass him. So when the scene revealed in front of him seemed to be ordinary, Peter was hugely relieved.

The genius, playboy, philanthropist (and dad) extraordinaire was hard at work, assisted by his 'bots on a table. His latest project (bags of glitter that exploded when touched) was in the centre of his workbench, with the surrounding holographs showing potential designs. There was a distinct smell of fire extinguisher in the air, leaving Peter wondering exactly what his dad had been up to while he was at school.

If the class's reaction to seeing Bruce had been extreme then their reaction to seeing Tony was off the scale; he was most of the class' ultimate idol.

Betty screamed. Ned started hyperventilating. Jason fainted. Flash was silent for once in his life. MJ raised one eyebrow and then went back to reading her book. Peter just smiled at his classmates' reactions and called out,

'Hey, old man! Ready to lose the Prank War again?'

This attracted Tony's attention. He whipped his head around to look at the group of teenagers that had invaded his lab. Upon finding his son in the gaggle, he winked at him, and then looked down significantly at Peter and MJ's joined hands. For the second time that day, Peter turned into a tomato.

"Hello, small children!" Tony exclaimed.

"Hey I'm not a child," Clint grumbled.

Both Peter and Tony turned to him and raised their eyebrows.

"Oh shut up!"

Clint just rolled his eyes and lifted himself up into the nearest vent.

"I should really close those up at some point," Tony said to himself.

"Today," he continued, "you have been granted a once in a lifetime, all expenses paid tour of this lab! Don't touch anything, don't read anything you shouldn't, basically don't do anything I would do."

He waited for a couple of seconds, observing the starstruck class.

"Ok, what are you waiting for? Hop to it!"

Once the class had spread around the room, he grabbed Peter's shoulder,

"You're with me Underoos."

Tony dragged Peter over to his workbench and sat him down on the stool next to him. They started working on the newest Spider-Man suit, fixing the damage that Peter had done to it falling off a building on the previous night's patrol.

"So," Tony smirked, "I saw you holding hands with that girl over there early, What's her name, BJ, TJ... There something going on there?"

He nudged Peter in the side who just groaned and replied:

"W- well um..."

Trailing off, he was saved by MJ (Yes, MJ Mister Stark), walking up to the bench.

"Hello, being a bit obvious about the whole," she points to the suit, "thing, aren't we? Anyway, I would like to have an interview with Ms Potts about her role in breaking the glass ceiling in the male-dominated world of technology, if she is ever free. Your work, Dr Stark, on green energy is also admirable." MJ stated calmly.

"You seem sharp, Pepper will like you," Mr Stark answered, but MJ was already retreating.

"She remembered my doctorates" Mister Stark mouthed to Peter, "Your mom will be excited to meet your girlfriend," he teased.

Peter just stuck his tongue out and turned back to the suit in front of them, Mr Stark following suit, until Abe exclaimed,

"Wait what is that door for?" He is pointing towards a frosted glass door in the corner of the room.

"Why does it have Parker's name on it, it can't possibly be for him, he's too puny and stupid and weak."

Tony gritted his teeth and calmly (on the surface) replied "FRI, visitor code 5749," then directed at Flash and the class, "why don't you go in."

They opened the door just in time to see multiple drawers close at lightning speed which contained the potential identity revealing or classified contents of the lab. On the desk in the centre of the room was one taken apart web shooter, one fully constructed web shooter, and Peter's Spanish homework, which he had forgotten to take into school and therefore got detention.

As the class moved around the lab, they got closer and closer to the desk, Peter, not realising what was going on, kept intently working on rewiring the night-vision scanners in his goggles. Then, his first classmate saw it. Betty held the homework up to show to Cindy, "I guess he wasn't lying about leaving it at home then," she shrugged. The rest of the class all slowly turned to look at Peter, only now realising that he was literally fixing a superhero suit with Tony fucking Stark like it was an everyday occurrence.

"Oh my God, it wasn't a lie," Cindy whispered, she looked around her, taking in the Spider-Man paraphernalia strewn around the lab, "and you know Spider-Man!" She said a little louder, to Peter who was standing next to Mr Stark, looking sheepish in the doorway.

"Uh yeah," Tony answered for him," he and Spider-man are practically inseparable, you should see them, you could swear they never leave each other's side." Winking at Peter. Ned scoffed and MJ raised an eyebrow, did he really have to be so obvious.

"There's no way that's true, he's Puny Parker, he can't be friends with Spider-man," Flash shouted angrily.

Peter could feel Tony seething by his side, worried he was about to commit first-degree murder, Peter turned his head away from the class and whispered,

"Dad, calm down, you can't kill, maim, torture or otherwise harm minors. It's ok, let me deal with it."

"No Pete, I know you can deal with it but you shouldn't have to deal with that douchebag."

"Did you just call him Dad," Abe exclaimed from the front of the class.

"Dude you really gotta get better at whispering," Ned said, looking over to MJ, who just gave Ned the side-eye and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, I think it's time for the Q and A part of this session, you can ask what you want about what just happened then." Not even bothering to hide the ice in his voice, instead directing it straight at Flash, locking his jaw and glaring at him as he whipped around and strode back towards his own lab.

Flash was in such deep shit...

Thanks so much for reading, and please leave kudos if you liked it!

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