спарринг-сессия мамы-паука (mama spider's sparring session)

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Guess who makes an appearance (; Anyway here is Chapter 6, please leave comments and votes, they mean so much to us!

The lift dinged once again, signalling the beginning of his impending doom. Peter had shrunk behind the crowd in an attempt to hide from the inhabitants of the room he was about to walk into. He knew it was futile but he was willing to try anything at this point. He was genuinely considering just not leaving the lift and going to his bed upstairs, but he had a reputation for leaving school trips and he really didn't want to listen to more of Uncle Steve's PSAs in detention.

As the group entered the room, Clint signalled to Nat, who was sitting by the side, evidently supervising Steve and Bucky's fight alongside the empty Iron Man suit. Peter scoffs. The avengers had agreed to supervise all of Steve and Bucky's matches to prevent them from getting 'carried away whilst in close proximity'.

"как ты убил капитана америку," (how did you take down Captain America) Aunt Nat shouted to Bucky.

"Я ударил его по ногам, потому что его щит размером с обеденную тарелку, а он идиот." (I hit him in the legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he is an idiot) Bucky shouted back, swiping Steve's legs out from under him. Peter snorted at the vine reference, drawing the attention of his confused class who had no idea what was going on because they were talking in RUSSIAN.

At that moment a loud, "Dummy, don't you dare shoot me with that thing I asked for a blowtorch not potassium bicarbonate" came from the Iron man suit standing by the wall. A second later a swoosh sound was heard and the suit crashed to the floor. This distracted Natasha for a second, a second Bucky put to good use, leaning down and kissing Steve, who was still pinned under him.

The class gasped, Flash whispering under his breath "my fanfictions were real," Cindy sounded very disappointed, Betty squealed with excitement at a gay couple being in the Avengers and MJ rolled her eyes at all of them. Ned was speechless and quite clearly panicked at being confronted by three (four) of his idols.

Realising they had an audience, Steve broke the kiss. He moved to stand, dragging Bucky towards the group with Natasha following.

"Время смущать паука" (time to embarrass the baby spider), Natasha said pointing Peter out to Bucky, and winking at him, "но сначала я собираюсь поставить его на место," (but first, I'm gonna put him in his place," she announced glaring daggers at Flash.

Bucky whispered the translation to Steve who quickly made the connection between Peter's bully and Flash. He grinned and stated, "we will be teaching you a little self defence by giving you the opportunity to spar with Natash! Alright, who would like to go first?"

Everyone except Peter and MJ put their hands up, Ned was practically hovering above the ground with excitement.

Natasha however, pointed at Flash, who moved to stand opposite her on the mat. Steve counted down.


Flash moved into a sloppy fighting stance with a cocky smirk on his face.


Natasha remained perfectly still, arching one eyebrow.


Flash lunged forward, Natasha crouched to the floor and flipped him over one leg, rolling to press his neck to the floor with her forearm.

Flash groaned and tapped the floor.

"You lasted 4.3 seconds, well done, that's not the worst score I've ever seen," Bucky smirked, sarcasm dripping from his words.

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