Chapter 5

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The staff and Taehyung enters the dressing room and saw Jimin and Hoseok.

"Guys I would like you to meet Kim Taehyung, the younger and only brother of Kim Seokjin."

Taehyung stood up infront of them and Jimin was the first to approach him followed by Hoseok.

"Hi!Oh wow you're the brother of Kim Seokjin the owner of the famous brand KS & Co., it's a pleasure to meet you,I'm Jimin." He was so starstrucked because of Taehyung's beauty.

"Yes I am.Hi nice to meet you Jimin." Taehyung smiles while Hoseok scans his beauty from head to foot then whispers to Jimin right infront of Taehyung.

"Jimin, he fits Jungkook's type." He giggles and Jimin and Hoseok stared at each other like they are talking with their eyes like somewhat mental telepathy making Jimin grin.

"Ahm is there something wrong with my face?" Taehyung feels offended.

"NO!NO!actually Taehyung your face is so perfectly fine. Are you a model?by the way I am Hoseok."He smiles enthusiastically.

"Oh...I see. Ahm nope I am not a model,and yeah nice to meet you Hoseok." Taehyung smiles softly.

"IT'S OUR PLEASURE!" Jimin and Hoseok answers in chorus and winks at each other.

After a few minutes, his chat with the boys got interrupted. He heard a lot of footsteps that is coming from the hallway and unfamiliar voices too.

The three turns their head towards the door and saw their manager.

"Hi Taehyung!welcome!I'm glad you already met Jimin and Hoseok.Kindly wait because Jungkook is on his way. He is just changing his clothes."

"Oh I-I see. Thanks manager nim." Taehyung bows and smiles and the manager smiles and bows back at him as well.

"Come, please sit here at the couch. You're always welcome to visit us."The Nebula's manager smiles.

"T-thank you manager nim and also for the vip tickets."

"Don't mention it Taehyung.I'll always give you vip tickets for free anytime."

"Ohhh how nice of you manager nim. Thanks!"

"Aish don't call me manager nim anymore, you're brother and I are... very... very close.Just call me, Namjoon hyung. " He gulps awkwardly.

"Ohhhh I see

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"Ohhhh I see. From now on I will call you manager ooppsss!Namjoon hyung."

"That's better sweetheart." Namjoon winks.

He was about to start another conversation with him when he saw the door opened and the man who enters inside the room was...


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