Chapter 15: Broken Walls

Start from the beginning

"Mumbo, it's my work, you shouldn't have to do it. Now go sit down"

He raised the axe to begin again, but as he began to swing, Mumbo caught the handle and took a step forward.

"It's my turn" he stated firmly, towering over the small God with a commandeering manner. "Go sit down"

Grian's lips parted, and his eyes widened in surprise as he held Mumbo's gaze. He blinked several times before dropping his hand from the axe and slowly shuffling away.

What was that? When did he grow a backbone? Why is he...

He glanced at Mumbo who had raised the axe and had begun to continue his work, albeit with very shoddy technique, and settled himself on the tree stump.

Not as much of a coward as you appear, huh Mumbo Jumbo. What else are you hiding from me?


Grian knocked on the door to the Anderson house, counting out a stack of logs as he waited.

The door flew open and immediately the scent of dust and rotting fruit overcame his senses, and Mumbo coughed beside him.

"Ah! We were wondering if you would come along soon!" Mrs. Anderson cried happily, holding out her hands as Grian loaded the logs into her arms. He heard a baby wail inside and her smile wavered at the shrill cry.

"I'll be back in a couple days with more" Grian assured her, offering his most sincere smile.

"Thank you my dear, you're a lifesaver"

Grian only shrugged and closed the door for her after she had curtsied to Mumbo, and ran back to her children.

"Grian... they didn't pay"

"Yeah I know. Come on"

Grian began to move on and Mumbo jogged to catch up with him.

"But... I thought this was for money"

"That was the Anderson house" Grian said, turning to look Mumbo in the eye. "There are six of them and their youngest just came down with scarlet fever. They barely have the money to feed themselves let alone buy firewood. I'm not so cruel that I would force them to pay for a service I'm happy to provide"

Mumbo hummed in a way that could have meant anything and smiled to himself as they continued.

Their final stop was the Tea House and Grian felt his stomach twist at the sight of the quaint shop.

"Stay outside" he ordered.


"Stay. Outside."

He entered the shop, the bell on the door clinking merrily, and bowed his head to the older woman behind the counter, grateful that Jevin was nowhere in sight.

"Hello my dear" she said, smiling kindly and moving so she could accept his delivery.

"Good evening ma'am. Will it be the normal amount?"

"Yes... although I don't seem to have my money on me... Jevin!"

Grian gritted his teeth as Jevin rounded the corner, a grimace of a smile painting his features as he gave Grian a once over.

"Pay the boy, will you love? He needs to get home before it's too dark"

"Of course" Jevin sneered, watching as his grandmother walked away.

Once she was out of sight, he immediately fell back into his predictable scowl and pointed to the door.

"You heard her. Get going"

Grian sighed and tried to summon his courage while simultaneously calming his temper.

"I believe she also said to pay me"

Jevin cackled harshly and grabbed Grian's hood, dragging him backwards out of the shop.

"Get out of here!" He yelled, jerking the scruff of his shirt so hard that the small God's feet began to leave the ground.

Grian gasped as his collar choked him and he scrambled to try and get away, but before he could even begin to fight, he felt something wrap around his waist and he was pulled back.

It took a long moment before he realized that Mumbo had grabbed him and was now yelling at Jevin, holding Grian tightly against his body.

Grian couldn't hear the yelling over the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears, and he barely registered the crunch of a broken nose and a wail as Mumbo fought with his tormentor on his behalf.

All he could focus on was the warmth of Mumbo's chest on his cheek, and he unconsciously clung to the taller God's jacket as though worried that he would be pushed away.

Grian couldn't remember the last time he had been touched in an affectionate way, let alone held as though he were some sort of precious commodity that needed to be protected, and his chest was practically bursting with affection.

The term touch starved really doesn't do it justice, he thought dazedly, as a shift in Mumbo's footing caused them to get even closer.

He was only brought back to the present as he felt hands on his back, and flinched, curling into himself on instinct. This time however, Mumbo didn't pull away. He tightened his hold gently and wrapped his arms around the God of chaos, one hand rubbing soothing circles on his back while he rested his chin on Grian's head.

"It's ok" Mumbo murmured, his voice vibrating inside Grian's skull. "It's ok"

Grian opened his mouth to respond, but a choked cry escaped his throat, and he only then realized that tears were streaming down his cheeks, staining Mumbo's shirt.

He sniffed and tried to pull away.

"I-I'm sorry, I-"

Mumbo just shook his head and pulled Grian back, allowing him to cry into his chest.

"It's ok" he whispered. "I'm here"

I hope you enjoyed Grian's perspective of their first real physical contact! If you did enjoy, please consider leaving a like and a comment to let me know what you think!

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