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My eyes want to sleep but I can't. I'm to scared. To nervous of what's to come. Hours. minutes. The car seatbelt is rough. I play with my worry stone In my pocket. It was my moms idea. I was never the "popular kid". The kid with all the friends. Or, the pretty one. But I worried about everything. So I always have my rock. In my pocket of my old jeans. And ever time I'm worried. I feel all the bumps on the rock and let them wash through my body. And let the rock take my worries away.

My new town. The place I will be for...maybe a few months, weeks, until he realizes I'm just a bump in the path not suppose to be in his way. The place looks gloomy.
I breath on the window. The fog clouds over. I draw a key. The key to my heat I now swear no one is aloud to unlock.
I will not let anyone unlock it. I now promise.
We stop at a old White House. A gray door. Gray shutters. It's not a scary house, but it's certainly not welcoming. But everything is clean. Taken care of. Mowed lawn, clean windows, everything seems in place. But, I know when I walk in I will be the only miss placed thing within a mile. I walk up the steps with Miss. Cree. My companion from Chicago to some where in a small town in Tennessee. Mrs. Crees high heels click down the side walk. Click click. Her hand reaches up to the door but before she can to check a man opens the door. He's about 70 maybe. But the mans not the thing that I notice. It's the dog.

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