Is that...

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hey guys I just posted a chapter but I was feeling writey (my new made up word) :D
So here's the next chapter. I totally skipped a few weeks but I want to show you guys how they're doing after the next week and someone else is about to step into the picture...on with the chapter...
(2 weeks later)
I guess you could say everything was coming together. Me and Beth were getting into routine. We did the same thing daily. Get up, eat breakfast, go to work, get back, have dinner, go to bed.
We would buy all of our food together with the money.
We were confident.
We could take care of our selves. It was like we had finally made a lifestyle for ourselves.
On the third Friday of May we both had gronal bars and water for breakfast as usual.
I left for work along with Beth. We took our time getting there since we had left at 8:10 and it was a thirty minute walk. We both worked from 9-5.
After separating with Beth and saying goodbye I entered the thrift shop. It smelled that amazing musty perfect smell I loved.
I don't know why Beth thinks I picked this job. I mean, it's definitely not good. 5 dollars an hour and there's no one my age to hang out with. But really? My mom worked here a little bit. I remember being in here when I was little. It makes me happy and I know moms looking down smiling. Anyway, the first part my shift went by pretty fast. I had a lady say she liked my hair. A old man came in looking for a glass statue of a bird. He didn't find one. Otherwise just normal customers and some window shoppers.
Lunch came around and I pulled out my pre-made turkey sandwich from the deli I bought for two dollars. I filled up my old water bottle and enjoyed my 30 minute lunch break surfing on my phone. I was texting Beth a little bit about her lunch and her unusual customers.
We laughed out loud a lot well reading each other's text.
It was one and the next 4 hours flew by because It was Pretty. I love helping these people.
I left the thrift shop and went to meet be that our regular spot. In front of dollar general.
We were both hungry so we fast walked home.
We laughed as we walked into the apartment building.
Beth had had a customer who wanted a banana so that she could hurt its peelings.
We were still laughing so hard as we entered our room. I set my bag down and kept laughing. Beth was suddenly silent.
I started to say while getting up. That's when I saw her. Oh my gosh.
Is that...

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