Walking and Talking

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When we got back from the park all of us got together to have lunch. As we at ham and cheese sandwiches all I could think about was Beth. As I looked at her across the table I knew she had a lot on her mind. She was on of the older girls. I saw the tiredness in her as she hid behind her brownish bangs.
She kept looking at me looking at her and then she would look down. I told Jane to go along herself as I raced after Beth who was walking alone towards who knows where.
"Hey...Beth" I said out of breath leaning forward a little bit as I struggled to keep up with her fast walking pace.
"Oh uh hi" she said uneasily as she looked into a different direction than me.
I decided to just see what was up. Maybe be pegged for the annoying one but still be able to help her.
"I know something's going on. And I just want you to know that you can talk to me about absolutely anything you need to and want to"
Beth kinda looked at me.
It was like I was a new person in a old town. People were trying to know to trust me or not. How far I was going to take things. If I was going to be a friend.
She opened her mouth like she was going to talk but decided against it.
She did the same thing again.
Then she looked at me. And she starting talking.
And her story was something no one should Ever have to go through. But she just listed it out think it was no big deal.
Happened to everyone.
As Beth kept talking I started to realize something.
Beth was sinking herself deeper and deeper.
She wasn't gonna have me as a friend. Cause she was just like me.
Her story was awful.
When she was 3 years old...
Heyyy! Thanks so much for All those reads. I'm up to 630! I hope you guys know how much I cherish my readers. Love U! YESSSS!!

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