Beth's Story

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When she was three she was left in her home. By herself. Alone. Her parents decided they didn't really want this kid after all. Being a little kid she just played with her toys for a few hours. She felt grown up. Home Alone. A few hours later she started getting hungry. Being only 3 she only remembered where the cereal was. In the bottom cupboard.
Long story short. Someone found her a few days later. She was crying. Mailman heard.
At age 5 she was put in her first foster home. The dad hit her when she did the smallest thing wrong. It was hard. For about 6 months. Till her teacher noticed the awful bruises. Contacted child safely program and got her back into a 2nd foster home. She stayed there for a really long time. But the older sister didn't like her. At the 8th month the older sister told her parents how much she hated her. Beth was sent out the next morning.
Zoom to age 8. In 3rd foster home. Left again. This family decided they didn't want her but was to chicken to tell the child safety program. They left her at a library.
At age 11 they tried a boarding school. Beth laughed when she told me this one. This one was HER wrong doing. She glued the teacher to the seat. She was expelled. She still thinks it was totally worth it.
And then she was 13. At her 5th foster home. Long story short. They got rid of her within 7 days. She said they were the worst 7 days of her life! She said she couldn't ever talk about how bad it all was.
Then 14. This is the place she's ever stayed the longest. A old lady found her at SAMs club and bright her here. Working on year 4 here.
But she doesn't know if she likes it here. She wants to leave.
I thought about Beth's story. I stayed up all night that night.
Turns out I'm not the only one who has to keep people at arms length.

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