Our Place

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Guys! Schools been absolutely insane. Please don't be mad but this chapters gonna be short. I leave for spring break on Saturday! Going to Mexico. I want to apologize right now for not being able to publish all last week and this coming week to. I will get into the swing for this soon when my home room teacher comes back. Oh well. This isn't a rant book it's a realistic fiction book. I should make a rant book....hmm....
When we were about a block away from the home I looked over at Beth. We had been completely silent. I was starting to wonder if I made the right decision after all.
I started to clear my throat to talk. The backpack behind me was making my back hurt as I started the conversation.
"So...uh...where do we live?"
She looked at me. I realized it was time for me to grow up and do this. I had to get a job with Beth.
I had to be strong.
I had to learn how to live my life the correct way.
Even if it was in the fast lane.
"A little apartment." My happiness was stopped by her finishing her sentence.
"It's absolutely nothing." She sighed like she'd let me down a lot more then I had been.
"Just a empty room".
I didn't care as much as I probably should have. I was starting to think about what a honor it was that she picked me out of all the other kids she had been there forever with.
(About a hour later)
We were finally getting up to the building.
Beth had filled me in on everything.
We were going to the dollar general tomorrow to see if they might have a small job for me. Enough to to pay my share of the rent.
As we entered the building and turned right i suddenly felt nervous.
What if I do this wrong. What if she kicks me out.
I push those thoughts out my head.
Beth may be tough but she has a heart just like the rest of us.
She wouldn't do that.
As we get to a door and Beth turns the key I look inside.
It's just a normal room.
Just a room tho.
Noting more but a little nightstand and a lamp.
I set my stuff down and looked around.
This was the place.
Her place.
My place.
"Get some sleep" she says laying down on the ground Across the room.
"We have a job searching day tomorrow. " she says facing the other way.
I lay down and thinks about everything as she turns off the lamp.
I'm excited for what's to come.
What are we gonna experience in our new place?

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