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I opened my locker and grabbed my things for 1st period as I usually did

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I opened my locker and grabbed my things for 1st period as I usually did. The music from my headphones were on full blast. As I closed my locker door, a familiar mullet and blue eyes were in my presence. I rolled my eyes and clicked the lock back onto my locker. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to the nuance," I told you not to bother me again." He scrunched up his face," How could I not after the other night." I walked away from my locker and Billy was hot on my tail," Seriously-I can't stop thinking about it." I glanced at him and kept walking," Not my problem-Now leave me alone." He lightly tugged on my arm, pulling me to face him," Come on, you can't just-do what you did and not give me-you know....More."

I raised a brow and shifted my weight to one leg,"I thought you weren't into girls like me." He scratched the back of his head and revealed that smug smirk," Guess I am now." I twisted my mouth, looking him up and down," Don't bother me again." Before he could say anything, I twirled around and went inside the classroom. I sat in my seat beside Hayley," Your music is still on." I rolled my eyes and cut off my walkman,"Thanks." As anticipated, Billy came waltzing into class as he usually did, but his gaze was fixated on me. Hayley nudged my arm noticing the staring boy," He's looking at you." She whispered into my ear," Yeah I know." He kept his gaze on me until he took a seat at the desk in front of us.

"Why is he staring at you like that?" I ignored her question and took out my notebook for class. She nudged me again and I twisted my head in her direction," Hello-I'm asking a question?" I shook my head," Ask him yourself." She huffed,settling back into her seat and pulled out her notebook as well," Nevermind then." She muttered under her breath. I continued with class as usual, taking notes and dozing off. Mr.Philips let us talk for the last 15 minutes of class as he usually did.

Billy turned around in his chair and scooted up close to my desk. I ignored his presence, but Hayley surely didn't," Hey Billy!" He glanced at her and gave her a head nod and turned his attention back to me," So Sinclair what's it gonna be?" I raised my eyebrow and scoffed," I said leave me alone- now go bother someone else who actually wants your attention," I quickly turned to Hayley and wrapped my hands around her shoulders," Here! Hayley is dying to know why you keep breathing my air-Give her the scoop-The 4-1-1!"

I let go of her and placed my headphones over my head. I could see that Billy rolled his eyes and eventually turned back to his desk. I turned on my walkman and let it play for the remainder of class ignoring Mullet head and Hayley. I didn't hear the bell ring, but my fellow peers rushing out the classroom door, notified me to get up and get out. I went straight to my locker and grabbed the stuff I needed for my next class.

Once lunch rolled around, I let my headphones sit around my neck. I went into the lunch line and grabbed a tray full of food. I sat at my usual table that was by the cafeteria windows. Unexpectedly, Hayley sat right beside me," Hey Tyra..." Her greeting wasn't too confident. I just looked at her and continued to eat my food," Hey I'm sorry about earlier today-I was being a total groupie."
I quickly glanced at her," You got that right."
"I'm sorry for annoying you like that-Not cool I know."

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