"He can't even explain. Because he has a brain as a size of a pea." Jessika said as she looks at the fourth wall as well, just to annoyed Jessie. "Oh! Will you knock it off?" Jessie said as she stabbed the Foot Bot with an arrow and then fire it at another Foot Bot.

"You have no idea what this is about, do you?" He asks, fending them off. One by one fell to the ground, first was Rachael and Ashly, then Leo, then Raph and last but least Nate. "You don't even know he's back." He said. "He?" Leo asked as he glances at Raph, Mikey, Rachael, Jamie and Ashly in confusion as they land on the ground and Jessie who stood by the computer controls. 

"The one true Shredder!" He reveals to their utter shock. "Huh?!" The '03 heroes yelled. Jessie's eyes went widen as she fell to her knees as she dropped to the floor while wrapping her arms around her chest. Nate jumped to where Jessie is in a stage like she was in a invisible protective shell. He kept rubbing her back as he put her arrow back in the quiver and used his tail to wrap around her bow. They couldn't believe it was possible. Ch'rell, the Utrom Shredder who kept trying to get his revenge on the Utroms, back? To their knowledge, he was supposed to be exiled for his crimes. How could he possibly be back?

Hun attempts to ram them, but they move out of the way and he crashes against a pole that was holding up a structure in the lair. The ceiling starts to crack before it breaks into pieces, the debris falling all over. Mikey jumps to Leonardo and Donatello as they've shielded themselves from the lasers. The other turtles, Rachael and Ashly do the same. Two structures fall apart near the Foot Bots and they move away from the falling debris.

The turtles, Nate, Rachael and Ashly look up, seeing Master Splinter all alone to fend for himself. He leaps away as the ceiling crumbles around him. More Foot Bots continue their assault, eventually hitting him in the arm. Hun approaches the rat master as he lays on the floor, weakened. "MASTER SPLINTER!" The eight turtles, Rachael, Nate and Ashly shout, the ceiling crumbling above Hun. Jessie look up as tears were streaming down her cheeks. "F...Father?" She asked.

They all gasp as more structure falls and Donatello is using the wrench on his makeshift portal stick. It lights up and they turn to him in shock before they're engulfed in a white light and they disappear, the pipes landing where they once were.


In an unfamiliar world, there's a bright flash, all sixteen turtles, 2 mutated turtle-hybrids, 2 Jessika's, 2 Rachael's and 2 Ashlynn's arriving there. "What just happened?" Leo demands, looking around to see no lair, no Hun, and no Bebop or Rocksteady. The dimension where they are now is different. "Where's Master Splinter?" He asked. Nate was holding onto Jessie who was still in her protective shell.

The eight off-worlders step out of the alley to see people walking around...well minus Jessie, but it's not their New York as it looks quite different. Their world was more modern, for one, and the clothing looks off. "More importantly, where are we?" Ashly asked. "This is not our New York." Rachael said as their counterparts stepping up to them happily. "Cowabunga!" Michelangelo cheered. Nate put his hand over Jessie's eyes to shield from the sun because she's still upset. 

"Dudes!" He said. "YEAH!" The ten 80s counterparts cheer with him. "We're home!" The ten 80s counterparts said at the same time.

Everyone, to the '03 counterparts, looked very...strange. "This is your dimension?" Donnie asked in disbelief. "Why does it all look so..." Nate said. They look at a brown-haired girl with glasses, a construction worker carrying a stereo..."Weird?" Rachael asked.

"Yup! There's no place like home," Michelangelo gestures to the street. Raph grabs him, demanding for an explanation. "What the shell are we doing here?! We gotta go back. Master Splinter's in who knows what kind of trouble! My little sister is still upset." He explains to them. 

"Raph, that's enough. Let him go." Ashly calls out and he growls. Rachael walked up to her fiancée as she ran her fingers on his arm. "Raph. Raph. RAPHAEL!" Ashly and Rachael said at the same time. "Fine!" He growls at her in defeat, Leonardo and Raphael pulling him away. "Stupid mood swings." He said. "I heard that." The two women said at the same time. Raph smiles sheepishly, not wanting them to get even more mad. "Donatello ported us out just before your roof flattened us into pizza pies." Leonardo said as he points it out.

"Um, you don't have magic hands." Ashly said as she makes a flurry of ice with both hands. Rachael nodded as she did the same thing. "So, we were gonna save us...until you botched it up!" She said.

"Told ya it'd work," Donatello winks at his counterpart, nudging him. Ashly growls slightly, crossing her arms. "We're going back. We'll save Splinter, and we're stopping that Technodrome. But we've got another problem. Hun mentioned the one true Shredder." Leo said as he hits his palms together.

"And you know what that means." Raph clenches his fist. "Based on the implications and the fact that Hun doesn't know about that Tengu Shredder that we destroyed..." Ashly said as she was frowning.

Nate noticed that Jessie was getting upset. She put her hands on her ears. "Yeah. But the Utrom councils exile him to somewhere far, far, far, far away from us after our final fight with him." Rachael said. "Our little alien Utrom is back." Mikey finishes, rubbing his chin.

"Utrom Shredder?" Raphael asks, unfamiliar with the term. "Sounds Swedish." The seven counterparts start laughing and Mikey steps up to them, annoyed now. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" He yelled to the confusion and shock of everyone else. Nate kept rubbing her back trying to calm her down. "Can't you guys be serious about anything?!" He asked. "Whoa," Ashly asked as she places her hand on his shoulder. Mikey looks at her. "Well said, but not in the right way." She said. Jessie had enough of it.

"STOP IT! STOP IT! He's gone! He was exile?! He can't be back! Just stop it! I want to go home!?" Jessie cried with her hands over her ears. "We're sorry, Jess. We'll save Master Splinter." Raph said. Leo walked over to her as he lift her up in the air like she was little when she lived with them. Jessie finally calms down.

The 80s turtles, mutated turtle-hybrid, Rachael, Ashlynn and Ashlynn stare at him in shock, but seem to understand the reality check. "They're right. This is serious. I say we head to our lair, pick up our anti-Technodrome gear, and go put it to good use." Leonardo tells them, holding up a finger. "But first...we've got to save April!" Jessika said.


Sakura: One true Shredder? What did Hun mean by 'One true Shredder'? Will our 2k3 heroes ever go back to their New York and save Master Splinter? Find out next time...

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