"Good doggy,"  Calum muttered quietly to Petunia, causing Silver to snort in laughter and pat the dog's head. "So, Hayley, these are your parents?" Calum asked faking a smile.

"Yes. Mom... Dad... finally, you all meet." she said linking her arm through her fiance's "This is my fiance and the love of my life, Luke Hemmings." Hayley gushed and William politely shook the hand Luke held out for him. "And this is his adorable daughter, Stevie, who we can all thank for bringing us together this weekend... This entire get together was her idea I'll have you know..." once again she fake smiled.

"Well, how are you young lady, I've heard nothing but wonderful things about you," William said leaning closer to the girl with a wide grin.

"Oh, I bet you do." Silver said and it was her turn to fake smile.

"Hello, sweety."  Charlotte greeted Silver with the fakest smile the girl had ever seen. "You can call me Auntie Lottie."   Silver gave her a weird look and just raised her eyebrows at the two.

Ridiculous, she thought.

While the Hemmings clan was walking around the hotel listening to Hayley whining about the wedding, a black car pulled up in front of the Four Seasons hotel entrance. Poppy came out of the passenger seat and straightened her white blazer. After that, she opened the door of the backseat and held out her hand to help her drunk best friend.

"C'mon El, behave yourself, we're here," she said and Eleanor giggled.

"Whoops," she exclaimed and went unsteadily out of the car. Poppy watched her down a small bottle of vodka. Eleanor took the liberty of gathering the flight liquor she ordered and downing bottle after bottle during the ride to the Four Seasons. After draining the bottle she flung it behind her and luckily it was caught by Stevie, who came out of the car after her mother and clutched the empty bottle.

"That was a great flight, wasn't it?  So quick." She slurred drunkenly.

"I've never seen you so... thirsty" Poppy commented, looking at the empty bottle in Stevie's hand.

"Well, it's not like I've never been thirsty before." Eleanor continued to slur as she held onto Stevie so she could walk properly.

"But that was years ago," Poppy muttered to herself. She decided to zip her mouth when the tall eleven-year-old shot her a dirty look.

"I'm in such major trouble here," Stevie muttered to herself as she trailed behind her mother and aunt, wondering what her sister's reaction would be if she met their inebriated mother.

Poppy and Stevie led Eleanor through the Lobby and deposited her at the Front Desk.  While Luke, Hayley, and the whole crew were walking around the hotel listening to her babble about how she wanted her wedding to be this and how she wanted her wedding to be that. Even Luke was bored from hearing his fiancé. Silver was about to drop dead from boredom when Petunia suddenly pulled on her leash and dragged her behind her. Calum followed the two in worry as Luke hung distractedly onto every word Hayley uttered.

"I'm just saying, I know it's short notice, but if they can do it, I think it would be a brilliant room for the wedding... Not too big, not too cramped... Not that I don't like the idea of getting married at the house... I do but this could be... amazing." Hayley blabbered and stopped to face Luke and fix his collar, she smiled at him and he did too as her parents watched on.

"I've already checked us in, so why don't we go up to the rooms, freshen up, then meet for lunch?" she asked her parents sweetly, they nodded and kissed their daughter's cheek.

"Sounds good, I'm starved.  Meet you back here in ten." Charlotte said.

"Sweetheart, want to check out the Honeymoon Suite while we're here?  I bet it's to die for," she asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and ran a hand down Luke's arm making him grin adorably as he wrapped an arm around her and held her close.

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