Chapter 17: Edgy Reaper

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Reaper woke to the loud,  obnoxious sound of his alarm. He breathed heavily. He had had a nightmare about war. Gunshots had filled his ears, dead bodies lay scattered across the clearing, and, worst of all, Soldier: 76 was with him. Soldier had been badly injured. He had limped across the clearing. Blood had spilled from his neck, and he was close to death. Reaper shuddered, trying to forget about the gruesome images that were reforming in his head.

Gabe stood up and looked in the mirror. He widened his eyes and gasped. His hair was a tangled mess. Mierda! I must have tossed and turned all night! He sighed and started to comb his hair, but the comb was far too fragile. If he brushed too hard, the comb would snap. He brushed his hair anyway with the comb. It hurt like hell, but he brushed and brushed until his hair was soft and sleek again.

He sighed again and looked at the comb, which was stuffed with chestnut brown hair. Oh god! Reaper thought with fear, is that supposed to come off?

Reaper looked in the mirror and realized something he hadn't realized until this very moment; Damn, I look kinda good.

Reaper smiled smugly, finally feeling confident for the first time in years, then headed out of his room. He opened the door to the Main House and went inside. It was 7:00 am. No one was awake yet, except Bastion, who was in the living room watching TV.

"Boo doo boo doo!" Bastion greeted. She waved at Reaper.

Reaper waved back. "Greetings, how are you?"

"Woo dee woo do!"

Reaper grinned. "Good." He had grown to understand a few of Bastion's phrases, so he could communicate with the robot.

Reaper headed into the kitchen, made a cup of coffee, and sipped on it casually. He sat on a chair and saw a pile of envelopes sitting on the table. He reached out his hand and grabbed the whole stack.

He flipped through each envelope. One letter was addressed to Jack Morrison, one for Hana Song from Korea, one for Winston, and one for Gabriel Reyes. He widened his eyes and ripped the envelope open. He pulled out the letter, unfolded it, and read:

Dear Gabriel Reyes,

                                       After several meetings with our heroes and clients, we are proud to inform you that you have been invited to participate in the Talon training group! We are astounded by your skill time and time again, and would be glad if you could return to Talon and help us on various missions. We are impressed by your skill and would appreciate it if you would write us back!

                                                                                                                            Sincerely, Talon HQ

This is the third letter from them, Reaper thought with bitter annoyance. He sighed, crumpled up the paper, and flung it in the trashcan. 

"Kobe!" A voice behind him exclaimed.

Reaper shot his head to where the voice had come from. D.Va had walked in the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. Her hair was uncombed, and was almost as tangled as Reaper's had been that morning. She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. 

"What are you doing up this early?" Reaper demanded.

D.Va narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Reaper. "What are you doing up this early?"

Reaper sighed. "I couldn't sleep."

D.Va frowned. "Me neither."

"Why not?"

D.Va sighed. "I-I-I-I-" Before she could say anything else, she started crying. She covered her eyes with her hands as she wept.

Gabe sighed. "Stop crying, Hana."

But D.Va didn't listen. She proceeded to cry her eyes out. Reaper growled, feeling anger rising inside of him. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and thought about hitting her, but he didn't. He hated it when D.Va cried. It was so whiny and annoying. 

Reaper sighed in an attempt to ease his anger. "D.Va, what's wrong?"

D.Va sniffled. "T-T-Tae-Tae-"

"What?" Reaper demanded, growing impatient.

"Taehyun!" D.Va finally cried. "He-he-he can't come to my s-show and I'm s-s-sad!"

Reaper sighed again. "I'm sorry about that, Hana," he lied, not caring at all. "Maybe he doesn't want to come to your race?" He suggested.

D.Va gasped, then started crying even harder. Reaper smirked at that. 

"Oh, stop crying. You're hurting my ears." 

D.Va looked at Reaper with disbelief. "Sorry. UwU."

Reaper slapped D.Va playfully on the cheek. He was gentle, but rough at the same time. "Stop saying that."

D.Va smiled. She sniffled. "O-okay."

D.Va walked out of the kitchen and went back to bed.

Reaper sighed. He took another sip of his coffee and read the newspaper that had also come in the mail. After that, he yawned. 

I should get some more sleep. He had stayed up until 2 am, unable to fall asleep. He had been thinking about the kiss all night. Gabe suddenly blushed. He felt tiny butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

So Gabe left the Main House, went inside his room, lay back on his bed, and closed his eyes. He thought about Jack until he fell fast asleep.

Reaper woke to the high-pitched sound of his alarm clock again. It was 9:00. Déjà Vu hit him like a lightning strike. "Ugh," he groaned. Still closing his eyes, he felt around for his alarm clock. He turned it off and stood up, wiping his tired eyes until he felt somewhat awake. 

He stood up from his bed and looked at his bookshelf. Most of the books on it were about war, spells, witchcraft, and supernatural stuff. Reaper sighed. Geez, I need to get rid of all this dark stuff.

Reaper wiped the cobwebs off the corners of his walls, coughing as he did. Then he sighed heavily as he walked out of his room. 

He went to the bathroom, took a piss, then walked in the Main House and into the kitchen. Lucio was listening to music on his iPod, headphones plugged in and everything. He was humming the song, which Reaper found to be annoying. Ana, Moira, Mercy, and Genji were making breakfast together. Winston was eating a banana at the table. Soldier: 76 was drinking a coffee, and Tracer was drinking a mug of hot tea. Normal morning stuff.

Reaper smiled as he looked at each hero. I'm really glad to be here, he thought with pleasure. I would never leave them for Talon...

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