Chapter 2: McCree Loves Ashe

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McCree's eyes were the color of copper as he focused on his three enemies. He held his six-shooter carefully, his eyes narrowed with concentration. "It's high noon," he said as he shot his three enemies. He killed Mercy, Junkrat, and Ashe in an instant. McCree smiled with satisfaction. 

The three heroes respawned back in the lobby and hurried back to the capture area, but it was already too late. McCree, Hanzo, and Moira stood proudly in triumph.

"A fine kill," Hanzo told McCree.

McCree acknowledged Hanzo with a nod. "We did well."

Junkrat glared at McCree. "If you keep on murdering us like that, you'll find yourself in the slammer!"

"I heard there's a nice reward for bringing you fellas in," McCree said.

"Maybe we something out mate?" Junkrat laughed hysterically.

"Good game," Mercy told McCree. "I didn't even know your ultimate was ready."

McCree was going to respond, but Ashe had tackled him to the ground. Ashe pinned McCree's wrists and eyed him furiously. 

"You killed me!" She yelled. "You killed me so many times! Too many times!"

McCree was sweating nervously. "All in a day's work, sugar."

Ashe blushed. "What did you just call me?" She demanded.

"Uhh...sugar," McCree replied.

"AGHH!" Ashe continued to gently slap McCree in the face, which made his skin turn a deep red.

"Stop it!" Mercy ordered.

"There is no point in fighting," Moira added.

"No, no. It's fine," McCree assured the supporters. Ashe continued to slap him until his face became beet red. "It doesn't hur-oh ow!"

Soldier: 76 chuckled with amusement. "They must like each other."

Ashe looked up from slapping McCree and glared at Soldier. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"

Soldier looked away. "Uh...nothing."

Ashe wrinkled her nose in disdain. "I heard something all right!" 

Soldier backed away fearfully. 

"Okay, let's just calm down," Mercy told everyone, though she was specifically looking at Ashe. "There is no point in this."

"Agreed," Moira said.

"But McCree called me sugar!" Ashe protested. "No one calls me sugar!"

"I'm sorry, m'lady" McCree said thinly.

"You better be sorry!" Ashe told him angrily. "Or I'll make you sorry!"

Ashe huffed with exasperation then headed to her room.

"Well, that was terrifying," Pharah said. 

"Right on!" Tracer agreed.

"Right on!" Junkrat mimicked in his best British accent, sounding even crazier than ever.

Tracer narrowed her eyes at Junkrat. "You better quit it!"

"You be-her quit et!" Junkrat mocked.

Tracer's face became red with anger. She didn't say anything this time. She stormed off to her room furiously.

"Junkrat, why are you always so rude to Tracer?" Pharah asked.

"Ah, I was just joking!" Junkrat defended himself. "What's the harm in a little bit of fun?"

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