Chapter 7: The next step

Start from the beginning

F/N: "You think?"

Uraraka: "Ooooh I didn't realize that, I'm sorry, but you know what, I like Deku. It could make a great hero name. Plus I think it sounds kinda cute."

At her words he goes beat red as I and Sentinel laugh a bit.

Midoriya: "Deku it is!"

Iida: "Just like that! You were saying it was an insult?"

F/N: "Ya what's with that buddy."

I smirk and nudge him with my elbow. He just gets more flustered and hides his face.

Uraraka: "Wait whaaa?"

Sentinel: "While this has been hilarious you all should get going, trains aren't going to wait for you."

F/N: "Ya my little friend here has a point. Why don't we just walk and talk?"

They all nodded and so we made our way down the massive hill that was UA. Talking along the way as I thought to myself.

F/N: (Well today was interesting, wonder what tomorrow has to bring for me."


The next day our real classes, we started off with English and other such core classes in the morning with Present Mic and some of the other pro's.

Present Mic: "Now which of these four sentences has a mistake?"

I and everyone else here all looked bored as we stared at him.

Present Mic: "Look alive everybody, grammar roles!"

I mean it's not hard but just boring, thankfully after that is lunch where we get to eat all together in the cafeteria. I just ate with Midoriya, Uraraka and Iida who have become my new friend group while Fred and Sasha are still in Russia.

Then finally the interesting stuff is in the afternoon. Basic hero training. We were all sitting in class before the door burst open.

All Might: "I am here! Bursting through the door like a hero!"

Everyone looked amazed as they saw him in full hero costume and everything.

Kaminari: "It's All Might!"

Kirishima: "So he is a teacher at UA, this year is going to be totally awesome!"

Asui: "Hey isn't he wearing his silver age costume?"

A bunch of other people started talking as I smiled a bit but I got nudged from the side.

Uraraka: "Hey why don't you look more excited? It's All Might!"

F/N: "Well kinda loses its flare when you live with the guy."

After a moment there was the sound of a record player scratching as everyone looked at me. It took a second to realize what I said and froze.

F/N: "God I'm glad Sentinel stayed home today."

All students: "What!?"

All Might: "Way to go Nephew."

All students: "Nephew!?"

F/N: "Way to go old man."

All Might: "Well you can ask your classmate for information later. Welcome to the hero course! The most prestigious class at UA high. Think of this as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what It means to fight in the name of good!"

He put his leg up on the desk and struck a pose.

All Might: "Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!"

Code of a Titan (My Hero Academia x destiny)Where stories live. Discover now