Paris (reader) x Berlin - Part 1

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My name is Paris.

Well, not my actual name, but my new name. 

Its who I have been since I started my new life.

The story of how I started my new life is not at all interesting or in any way inspiring.

 I was a thief and had just stolen 10,000 dollars from a local bank but the police had caught me and I was amidst a police chase. This robbery had not been responsible of me and I had hit rock bottom. The reason I was doing this robbery was to take my mind off of my mother's death which had consumed me up for a year and induced me to make multiple irresponsible and reckless decisions one of those being this robbery. 

The thing was I did not need the money. I wanted the thrill of the heist. I was an adrenaline junkie and wanted to steal for the thrill and adventure of it. I was a very well to do person and stole only from time to time and only from minor places where nobody looked. Everything for me was perfect. Until my mother died.

Then my world crashed and I became consumed up in my grief. I shut myself off from the world and became miserable and reckless. I began to make very rash decisions which would most definitely lead me to being caught and I did nothing to protect myself. The thing was since my mother died I had stopped living and my imprudent heists weren't because I had lost talent, it was because I was TRYING to be caught. I had lost all will to live and was trying to end my life but not by committing suicide, no, because that would end it in a jiffy and I would feel no pain. I was trying to be caught because I wanted to suffer because I wanted to feel pain because I was trying to punish myself for leaving my mother alone. I blame myself 100% for her death. And that's how I came to be performing the stupidest robbery of all. 


I was running at full speed, the money being left long ago at the gates of the bank. Sweat was dripping off my body in waterfalls, my boots were already soaked, and my heart looked as if it was ready to burst right out of my chest. The police were right behind me with only a difference of a few streets which I had achieved by taking a few shortcuts. My end was inevitable and I was trying to make it last as long as possible. Just as I turned a corner, there stood a man with a beard, glasses and a suit.


At that moment I thought he was a cop and ran in the opposite direction where I was faced by a big man with a beard. As I spun around on the other side there was another. Judging by their stature they looked like Serbs. I am not scared easily but these guys looked ready to cut me in pieces and feed me to the dogs if I dare disobey what they said.

"Get. In."

They repeated. I was scared for my life and at the moment these hunks of men were more terrifying than the police so I climbed in with the man and his "bodyguards" ( or so I thought at the moment) and left my previous life behind us as we zoomed away through many streets and climbed onto the highway towards Madrid. 

 (A/N : I know this will seem very reckless and fast and dumb of her to just get in a car with a random person but keep in mind that she had nothing to lose and was just trying to end life. This was possibly just another way of doing so.)

*end of flashback*

And that's the story of how the professor saved me from killing myself (handing yourself over to the police and committing suicide is basically the same thing the only difference being choice of words) and gave me a new chance at life. I was suspicious at first but the professor gained my trust after he offered his condolences to my mother and seemed to know everything about me. He told me about the plan. And of my cut, if I participated.

300 million euros.

The minute he said those words I was already sold. I had nothing to lose. My life was meaningless and I was about to make history.

Who would say no?


All of this seemed decades ago. But it's only been a week. The professor has been going around collecting people for the heist. 

Tomorrow everybody will be arriving at the mansion which the professor has rented in the middle of basically nowhere. Its a mansion in a city where hunting is legal so if we practised shooting we would not have cops banging down the front door. Everything was precisely calculated and had been well thought over before. There was no way in tarnation we could ever be caught. The plan was perfect.

Tomorrow we would be meeting everybody. And the day after tomorrow, we would be starting "school" as the professor says. We will have a five-month-long course and then we will make history. I just hope nothing goes wrong.

But oh well, we can't always have what we want.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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