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A figure stirred in the dark cell. The steel-fiber gloves around her fingers were too tight and constricting, and for another thing, they were covered in the liquid cleverly designed by the scientists who had locked her up, the liquid that caused all magic to freeze. And they were attached to chains, which held her to the wall.

She was angry. She'd been betrayed, then betrayed again, then betrayed again, then betrayed again. She was sick of all this betrayal!

Why didn't anyone understand her or her methods? So she'd killed a few people, sure--why was that such a big deal? She was just helping them out. It was better for them. She snorted out loud. Those people were simply too annoying to live. She couldn't just leave them like that--she'd rather die!

But . . . no. She was too young and beautiful, with an entire life ahead of her to spend. It would have to be them that went away.

Except now what would she do with her life, now that she was stuck here--for eternity?

She couldn't break out again. They'd added more alarms, more protection, and more guards. There was no way she could escape now. Unless . . .

An idea.

An evil smile curved on her mouth, the ends of her lips turning down instead of up.

Now, where was that accursed sister of hers . . . ?

Angel (or is it Maria?)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz