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You ran. Ran past all the surprised faces, with your joyous laugh ringing through the halls. You ran and ran until you finally reached the door, which lead you to the raging storm outside. All the people who stood in front of the school waiting for the storm to calm down, looked at you bewildered, but you couldn't care less. You just ran like you always did.

You ran in circles in the heavy rain, the wind blowing your hair into your face. Your hair was damp at this point, your shirt see-through and your cheeks were flushed red. A boy was running towards you with an umbrella attached to his hand. He tried to scream your name but the wind carried his voice away. You laughed wholeheartedly, your smile glowing like it was the sun in the rain.

Akaashi blamed his red cheeks on the weather.
"(Last name)-san, you're gonna get sick!" - he huffed out once he reached you. The umbrella blocked the rain from drenching your clothes even further, but it couldn't stop you from stepping out from under it again.
"Ohoho Akaashi-kun, you are worried more for me than Bokuto-san. I'm flattered, really,... but" - you stepped out into the rain when the sky was lighten up for a second. - "I never get sick, you know that!" - you winked and continued to swirl around. A thunder was heard, a very loud one at that, but you didn't flinch. You screamed at the clouds:
"I LOVE AKAASHIII AND NOT EVEN THE WEATHER CAN STOP ME FROM FEELING LIKE THAT!" - you laughed again and Akaashi blamed his red cheeks on the weather once again.
"(Last name)-san stop fooling around. This is a serious matter, you live very far, you'll get sick!" - he reasoned and you stepped closer to caress his face.
"Akaashi-kun.... You are...
...adorable when you are blushing!" - you giggled again at his red, dumbfouded face, you and only you could do that to him. Somehow your actions made their way to his heart and the poor boy couldn't help but fall for you.

He couldn't find the words at first so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
"How come you're always smiling?" - he asked with furrowed brows. Don't blame him, he was curious, he was meaning to ask that for a long time and it struck him again.
"Tell me one reason, for me to be sad!" - you smiled again and jumped around the rain.
"You failed at Bio-"
"That just shows how unimportant Biology is in my life! I never cared about that anyway. The only thing that matter is that we are human beings and we are alive. Who cares what's inside of us anyway?" - you interrupted Akaashi before he could finish.
"But a failing grade isn't something to be happy about!" - he was right.
"When did i say i'm happy because i failed the Biology test?" - you quirked a brow.
"I'm happy because it's raining! Isn't it refreshing? Just like Sugawara-kun!" - you laughed again. He pulled an emotionless face to hide his jealousy but you caught it anyway. - "It's also cool and pretty... just like you!" - you walked further into the rain. He just ran after you like a lost puppy.

When he caught up with you, he finally noticed your weird bras. He didn't say a word just looked away and took his coat off.
"Oh! Thank you, it was very kind of you to acknowledge my underwear. I was waiting for you to notice it." - you stuck your tongue out and put his coat on.

Neither of you spoke, you lost in thoughts and for Akaashi your content face was enough.
"I am also happy because you are here next to me Akaashi!" - you said suddenly. - "But do you know what could make me even happier?" - you titled your head at him with a pleading eyes. - "If you'd take me out on a date! It's about time eh?" - you wiggled your eyebrows and laughed when you saw his blank face.

He was red that's for sure but this time it was obvious it wasn't because of the rain.

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