˚◞༄ 𝐁𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐎 & 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐎 | 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

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I found Bokuto in My Hero Academia, and i just wanna know-
what are you doing there Bo?

I found Bokuto in My Hero Academia, and i just wanna know- what are you doing there Bo? UNEDITED—————————————

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You were best friends with Kuroo and Bokuto since last year. You all met in a volleyball practice match, and your personalities just clicked. You had so much common with each other, amd you three became best friends after that. You often hang out with them, and as slowly time went by you realized you had gained some feelings for both of them. And because you couldn't do anything with your feelings, you pushed them aside, completely ignoring them.

The guys came over to have a sleepover at your house and currently you all were watching a comedy. Some funny scene came and you all started laughing but you couldn't calm down and fell off the couch. This made you laugh more but both of them stopped for a second to admire your beauty. You were so adorable lying on the floor, as happy tears escaped your eyes while you wheezed.

If a stranger would see you they would be weirded out by you, and even accuse how you laughed. But even if you snorted while laughing the guys opinion wouldn't change..

As you calmed down and smiled at them both of their cheek turned red as they muttered the same thing:
"Cute" - they said out loud at the same time.
Shock washed over your face and your heart skipped a beat. You all started blushing even more, ad you muttered a small thanks.

But then a sudden realization washed over their face and looked at each other with jealousy.
"Look i know you are my bro and all..." - they said in usion. - "but i can't let you have her because she's mine!" - they growled at each other. Your blush worsened as you choked out words.
"W-what?" - you stared at them dumstruck. - "i-i-"- you were clearly really flustered, no correct words left your mouth.
"Okay Bokuto listen up, you're a great gal, cool and funny but i am so much better than you" - growled Kuroo.
"As if i'm going to let you take her away from me that easily" - they both looked at you again.
"W-wha-"- your face got even redder, your thoughts were everywhere. Was this a dream? In which dimension do they BOTH love you? What is even happening? What about the movie?

You took a deep breath and prepared yourself to get rejected. - "U-uh guys, hear me out please.. it's going to sound weird and i'm honestly scared that you guys aren't into these stuff, but I love you both dearly.." - you looked into their eyes with red cheeks, as you pushed a piece of hair behind your hair (if you have a really short hair or you are guy, pretend that sentence doesn't exist) you started to speak again. - "You both have been with me for a long time, you accepted me inside out and that's really important for me. I've always been judged because of my likings, my personality and attitude but you showed me what it feels like to be loved. I feel perfect and happy, and i trust that you both will love me even after this. So what i'm trying to get to is..
wouldyouliketotryathreesomewithme?" - you closed your eyes like an anime girl after a confession, ahh how lame you are. Your cheeks burned even more if it was possible.
"Come again?" - blurted Kuroo out with a wicked grin.
"Hahh.. would you like to try a threesome with me?" - you fidgeted with your fingers, looking everywhere but at them. Sadly you couldn't see the warm smiles they shared before they engulfed you in a hug.
"Yes, i'd, i mean we'd do anything for you" - murmured Bokuto ino your ear. - "If this is what will make you happy, then let's give it a try!"
"Koutaro is right, you are our treasured princess, we are more than happy to do any of your wishes" - he whispered into your other ear. - "By the way, you already know that we both are bisexuals, why did you even worry?"
"I mean a relationship is still different ya know!"
"Well we are open minded, if you want, we can even fuck right here, right now!" - stated Kuroo like it was totally normal.
When your melodic laugh (whoch was actually wheezing) reached their ears, they knew everything was going to be alright.

"But wait a sec, who are you gonna kiss first?" - asked Bokuto.
"You two are kissing first, after that i'll kiss you!" - you laughed maniacally.

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