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Be safe out there! Wash your hands and wear a mask please!

Be safe out there! Wash your hands and wear a mask please!UNEDITED—————————

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It hurt, it really did. But it wasn't like you could do something about it. You trusted him, but there was a point when you just gave up and went to see it yourself.

It started a month ago, she was a new student here and he gladly showed her around.
That's totally normal, he is a good guy he likes to help that's all.

So you ignored the gesture and continued on with your life. He was loyal and he would never cheat on you, would he?

Life went on, and they got a bit closer since they were classmates but they're just friends. You ingored the stinging pain in your chest. Jealousy was never a good thing, he was loyal and you put trust in him no matter what his actions were. You smiled genuinely at him when he announced that they were going to eat ice cream tomorrow together... that's fine.

But you couldn't help but worry, and over-think everything. Of course you cared, of course it hurt you. Why wouldn't it? You knew your boyfriend was falling in love with this girl, so why weren't you doing anything? Maybe because you didn't deserve him. He deserved much better than you. Like that girl..

No. You are wrong. If he cheats on you, then he didn't fucking deserve you for even a god damn second. No cheater deserves to be cried over, even if you love them.

You sucked your worries up, trusting him blindly. You weren't weak, no you were an independent women who trusted his loyal boyfriend. Then why was he kissing her?

No this isn't right. Maybe that's just someone else. But why is he wearing the same jersey as him? You walked over to them, but surprisingly no tears were coming out of your eyes. You were out of tears, it was just anger now.
"Okay" - you said loudly. They both got startled and trembled as they saw you. You looked angry but disappointed at the same time. - "You could have just talked to me you know. But you choose this path i guess. Well congrats on being such a dipshit." - you spit the words like venom.
"(Y/N) let-"
"Don't make this look like a fucking drama movie. Let me explain yeah, well of course you can explain it. So Iwaizumi why were you kissing another girl you told me not to worry about, hmm?"
"I-" - that was the only thing that came out of his mouth nothing else.
"Pathetic." - you raised your hand and slapped him hard. - "I've always wanted to do that." - you turned around but stopped just to say one last thing:
"I'm sorry for not being enough for your low ass" - you told slowly in a hurt, angry voice but walked away strong with a chin held up high.

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