She lost her grip but you managed to catch her as well, causing her to blush

Weiss: My hero

Jaune: It should've been me, it should've been me!

You let go of Weiss much to her disappointment and grab your relic, then Pyrrha Nikos arrives as well chased by a Deathstalker

Yang: Great now that the gangs all here we can die together!

You: -_- You OK there Yang?

Yang: Oh come on Y/n It's about time we go out with a 'yang'!


Yang: You're a meanie!

You: I was always a meanie to you

Yang: I mean not always

Then suddenly Ruby went full on Leroy Jenkins and charged directly at the Deathstalker. But it didn't go too well as her cape was pinned by a Nevermore's feather and the Deathstalker was gonna stab her

You: Yare yare daze

You decided to be the hero again and transform into your Jet Stream form and used the jets to dash towards the Deathstalker, you equipped your unique weapon for the form which was a purple laser blade and then you slashed at the grimm, severing it's stinger, but who's said you were done?

You: Sayonara!

You thrust the blade deep into its skull, killing it instantly. You deactivate the form and help your cousin on to her feet


You: You alright Ruby?

Ruby: *blushes* Y-yeah I'm fine

You: Good

Then you hit her on the head

You: What the hell were you thinking?!

Ruby: EHH?!

You: You just went straight further into death! Who do you think you are Leroy Jenkins?!

Ruby: Who?

You: Nevermind that, what I'm saying is that don't do that again, if you died your dad will kill me!

Ruby: But he's your uncle!

Azazel: And I'm your uncle.....*sniffs*......

You: It don't matter he will kill me either way!

Ruby: Ok I'm sorry

Jaune: Uhh we might want to run away!

You: Ah crapbaskets, let's go!

All 9 of you ran all the way back but the Nevermore stopped you

But you all killed it immediately since you used the Super Shotgun to shoot it's wings off by using the meathook to reel yourself in, this caused it fall to the ground with everyone shooting it....except Jaune since he don't have a gun

You: Alright we're done!

Nora: Oh my god you are so cool!

You: Heh thanks you're also cool

Nora: Do you like pancakes?!

Ren: Nora pleas-

You: Nah I don't, I love them

Nora: *Le gasp* *mutters* I must kidnap him for myself!

You&Ren: What was that?

Nora: Nothing!

However all the girls heard this and gave Nora some death stares

Jaune: Women am I right?

You: Yep, mysterious creatures

Ren: I have to agree with the both of you

You all head back to Ozpin but before you leave you felt an unknown presence behind you but thought nothing of it, Ozpin gathers you to the hall to reveal the teams, after he forms team dickwad, he calls up Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren as they form team JNPR with Jaune as the leader

Then he calls up Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang as they form team RWBY with Ruby as the leader

Azazel: *Sheds a tear* I'm so proud of her

You: Are you crying? Didn't you know this already?

Azazel: Yeah but I wasn't there to see it

You: Fair enough, I'm proud too my cousin is the leader of a team at the age of 15

Then you get called up as the only person left

Ozpin: Y/n Branwen, despite not having a partner this does not mean I have to get rid of you, you have amazing talent *whispers to you* and your father and aunts said that they would castrate me and ship me off to my ex

You:......Didn't need to know that

Ozpin: And because of this, you will be a solo team called team TSFM! (Transform)

Everyone clapped for you as Ruby and Yang hug you to celebrate

Ozpin: Things are gonna be interesting this year

Azazel: Yeah no shit

How was chapter 4 dear readers? I didn't spend long on it really, anyways I changed the book cover, how is it? Also in the harem I'll tell you who is in it












Now im gonna show you the people who you can vote to be added, only 3 people though







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