Chapter 3

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I have updated the bio and changed the prologue and chapters slightly, if you want to check it out, for now let us continue the story, also let me know what you think about the semblance and weapons I gave you.

You were woken up to the sound of some hyper girl who was followed by her friend, (Want me to add Nora to the harem or no?)

Azazel: Wake the fuck up Samarai.

You: But I'm not a Samarai.

Azazel: I was quoting a legend.

You: Oh.......never mind, so is it time?

Azazel: To start a crusade? There's no time.....yet.

You got up and packed your sleeping bag and headed for the lockers, you reached your locker and opened it.

You: Now....what to take......

You grab Midnight's Edge and Horizon incase you need to duel wield, then you grabbed Anarchy and your trusty Super Shotgun.

You: Should I take the BFG 9000?

Azazel: I dunno will there be a lot of grimm?

You: Maybe...I should take it just in case.

Azazel: -_- You always take it just in case.

You: ^_^ I know!

You close your locker and as you were about to put on your mask, a certain cookie monster approached you (insert Jojo meme her) along with her bombshell of a sister.

Ruby: Hey Y/n!

You: Hello there

Yang: Hey big guy

You: I'm not that big

Yang: Well you are about 4 inches smaller than me, but I'm not talking about your height~

You: What are you talking about?

Yang: Your little friend if you know what I mean~

You and Ruby didn't understand at first, but Yang whispered the meaning causing her to blush and Azazel to have a crisis


You: Uhh ok.....imma head out

You leave them behind and see Weiss talking with another girl with red hair, you approach them (insert another Jojo meme here)

You: Hello there

Weiss: AHHH!

Weiss jumps back from your sudden revelation

Weiss: Where did you come from?!

You: Behind you?

Weiss: Oh....uh hello Y/n,  how are you?

You: I'm good

Weiss: Ok quick question, do you know who this is?

She refers to the girl standing next to her who waved and said hello

You:....Hmm nah

Weiss:..........You sure?

You: Positive.....I do not know her but I might want to get to know her

Pyrrha: I wouldn't mind that, also my name is Pyrrha Nikos

You: Hello Pyrrha I'm Y/n Branwen

Weiss: Sooo Y/n I was wondering If you wanted to be on my team with Pyrrha?

You: Sure I don't mind you both are cute girls

However due to your horrible to non existent knowledge on love, dammit Qrow, you didn't notice the blush on their faces and the cause of it, making Azazel facepalm and curse on why you were picked

You: You ok?

Weiss: Y-yes we-we are fine!

Pyrrha: U-uh yeah! Nothing w-wrong with us!

You: -_- Ok then

Then suddenly pineap-i mean Jaune appeared

Jaune: Hello there Snowflake~

Weiss: Oh not you again

Jaune: I was wondering if you wanted to join my team~?

Weiss: Uhh no thank you I have Pyrrha and Y/n here and I'm satisfied enough

Jaune: Are you sure you don't want me~?

Weiss: Yes I'm sure

Jaune: *gets closer* I can tell you are lying~

Weiss: Ok that's too close, Y/n I require your assistance!

You: Say no more

You grab your Super Shotgun and load two shells inside scaring Jaune as he fainted

You: Sorry Jaune

Then you left with Weiss and Pyrrha as you had to go to the cliff now, while talking to them, some dumb motherfucker came along and approached Pyrrha and Weiss

Mongrel: Hey ladies, you don't know me, but i know you, how about we change that~?

Pyrrha: I'm, sorry but...we are not interested

Mongrel: It wasn't a suggestion

Then suddenly he pinned Weiss to the wall

Mongrel: It's an order~

You: Hey can you perhaps leave them alone?

The Mongrel turns to you, not letting go of Weiss, Pyrrha was about to attack but you give her the 'i got this' look

Mongrel: Are you suggesting I leave?

You: No

You grab him and flip him on the floor and unsheathe Midnight's Edge, placing the edge near his eyes

You: It's an order

This made him scowl and run off

You: Idiot

Weiss: H-hey....thanks Y/n

You: It's nothing Weiss, I wouldn't let him touch you like that

Weiss blushes and gives you a hug in which you return your own, after that you head to the cliff where Ozpin and Glynda are waiting, you are later joined by Ruby, Yang and Jaune

Then Ozpin gives a speech hto all of you as you are on some plates, you put on your mask and prepare yourself, since Azazel knows what's gonna happen, in other words it's early knowledge

Azazel: You ready kid?

You: Boy you know it

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