Sharp metal pierced his abdomen and the old General gasped out in pain, the candle falling from his hand with a loud thud as it met the floor. Abdul Hameed looked up at the figure, whose face had been concealed with a black cloth, except for the eyes that bathed in blood. His blood.

Just as he grabbed for the man's arm, the figure roughly dislodged the dagger and stabbed his stomach again. Blood oozed from the open wound and Abdul Hameed slumped his back against the door to stop himself from collapsing.

"W-why?" he stammered, as the unbearable pain froze his muscles.

The man forced the blade in deeper, and the General grunted out in agony.

"Revenge," the figure replied, his voice oozing with content.

Abdul Hameed waited for the man to stab him again and as the dagger was dislodged once more, the General gathered all his might and charged at the figure with his body, pushing him against the wall. With the unexpected attack, the figure dropped the bloodied blade, leaving a trail of red against the dusty floor before it skidded to a stop.

Thuds and banging echoed throughout the darkness as the two men tried to battle each other with their strength. Though it was clear who had the upper hand, Abdul Hameed still tried to fight back. Ignoring the blood dripping from between his fingers, he steadied himself to fight off the enemy.

"You played dirty to come and attack me here in my home," The old General muttered before a powerful punch landed on his jaw.

Abdul Hameed swayed back from the impact and hit his back against the door of his daughter's room. Tears pickled his eyes.

The man chuckled. "I don't play by the books of chivalry,"

"At the v-very least, tell me who y-you are," Abdul Hameed heaved, his legs unable to hold himself up anymore as he collapsed to the floor.

He watched as the man slowly walked over to where the bloodied weapon lay, scooping it in his gloved hands.

"If you hadn't interfered, I would have spared you. But you stopped me from killing the Prince,"

The man edged slowly towards him.

As much as he tried to force himself up, he couldn't, for his strength was seeping away with every drop of blood that escaped.

"Junayd's brother. That's who I am, and I've come to Balqaas to finish what started with my brother's death,"

Abdul Hameed furrowed his brows. It couldn't be. He had to stop him from reaching Abbas. Because if he did, not only was the Prince in danger but so was his daughter.

Just as the figure loomed over his body, the door behind him swung open and a scream filled the darkness. Unable to control his body anymore, Abdul Hameed slumped back, but before his body met the cold floor, hands grabbed his shoulders, lowering him slowly against them. 

Diya wrapped herself around him, her trembling hands immediately clasping his own that were pressing down in the wound.

"Who are you!" He heard his daughter's voice demand. Though the concealed man did not reply and instead turned back and disappeared into the night.

Abdul Hameed muttered a phrase of thankfulness, that at least the man had no intention of harming his family, unlike the previous occasion.

"Baba!" Diya cried. "I should have known something was wrong from all the noise,"

Seconds later, his wife was by his side, tears streaming down her cheeks as she pressed her shawl against the second wound.

"Ya Allah, what do we do?" His wife, Yumna bawled. Their cries of despair hummed through the darkness.

"H-he will go after Abbas, you must warn t-them," he said sputtered, every word he spoke causing a jab of pain to his wounds.

"Baba, you're bleeding! We must get help first!" His youngest sobbed. "We need to help him up,"

"No Diya, I won't make it,"

"There is too much blood," Yumna cried, her shawl completely drenched in red. "I need to call for help,"

Just as she was about to get up, Abdul Hameed grabbed for her blood-tainted hands. His wife froze and turned back to him, more sobs escaping her. "Habeebati, it's too late. I can feel this is my end,"

"No," she whispered, her shaking fingers caressing his cheek.

"Baba, don't say that,"

"Please let me get help," Yumna pleaded, one hand still pressing against his body.

However, the General knew it was futile. He had lost too much blood, and with it, he could feel his soul withdrawing from his body. "I would rather you both stay with me until I breathe my last,"

His eyelids began to droop as if he were about to sleep, only this time he wouldn't wake up from it.

"Baba, please stay with us!" Diya's voice called, pulling him out of his daze.

"I'm g-glad it was me this time. I would never be able to forgive m-myself if you both g-got hurt again," he smiled.

"Habeebi, no,"

"I'm sorry, I should have-" Diya sobbed, her cheeks completely wet.

"Azeezati, it isn't your fault. The m-man came out of nowhere, I c-couldn't react in time," her father sputtered, forcing a smile. "I knew this day would come s-sooner or later,"

"Mama, what do we do?" Diya cried, looking to her mother for help.

However, her mother was focused on her dying father, one hand caressing his face, whilst the other was soaked in his blood.

"It s-should have been m-me that day too. It was all my f-fault that Haifa was hurt," Abdul Hameed confessed, each word becoming harder and harder to speak. "Haifa...tell her that I'm sorry. Tell her that I could never be disappointed in her,"

The desperation in his voice jerked at Diya's heart and she broke out wailing again, clutching her father's limp body and pressing her forehead against his.

"Habeebi, don't leave me," Yumna whispered, her trembling fingers wrapping around his.

"My precious wife, stay with our daughters,"

"Ya Allah!" she cried, pressing their entangled hands to her head.

"I will not...last long," he muttered. " and Haifa please...look after your mother...I love you all so dearly,"

Diya nodded and held her father's lifeless body closer to her, her own tears trickling onto his grey hair.

"Laa ilaaha illallah," were the last words that escaped his lips before death took him.

Yumna watched as her husband's eyes closed, the emerald glow in his eyes dimming into darkness. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed silently, as she felt the weight leave his hands.

Diya stopped her sobbing, staring into her father's lifeless face, hopelessly waiting for him to open his eyes, say something.

But he didn't.


Azeezati - Sweety/honey

Ya Allah - Oh God

Habeebati/Habeebi - My love

La ilaaha Illallah - A phrase from the shahada (testimony of faith) that translates to 'There is no God but Allah'

Written In The ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now