Chapter 2

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"Harry, do you know the answer to my question?" Harry vaguely heard and lifted his head off his arms, where he was lying on his desk. "Sorry, what Miss?" he asked, panic clear in his voice. The class snickered and the boy behind him threw a ball of paper at the back of his head. Harry flinched and looked down at his desk, face red and hands twisting under the table. He couldn't help it that he had nodded off. He hadn't slept properly for the last four months - ever since he had started at the new school really. The teacher saying "It's on the board, Harry", brought him back to reality. He answered the question without difficulty which caused yet more sniggers and a few whispers of "nerd" from the back of the class. Harry was bullied alot and was used to the occasional beating. There was no real reason for the bullies to pick on him. It probably happened because of his dark curly hair and his slightly feminine features. He had big bright green eyes and dimples which he hated. He presumed that the others didn't like him because of the fact that he was quiet and shy and just different. The only person he had left in his life was his Mum, as his Das had left them when he was little and he couldn't even remember him. Although the relationship with his Mum was close and she loved him dearly he decided to move out at the age of 18 to go to university in London. He lived in a small flat on the outskirts of the capital which was luckily quite close to where his university was.

When the bell rang at the end of the lesson Harry picked up his books and got up in a hurry to leave the room before the others from the back of the class caught up with him. Well, obviously his luck was spent. Three of the boys from his English class sidled up beside him and surrounded him quickly. Knowing what was coming, Harry let his head drop and pressed his lanky body against the wall, shrinking back from the looming figures infront of him. Without further warning one of the boys grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him into the wall. He held him there and Harry closed his eyes waiting for the pain in his stomach or face. And sure enough a few seconds later a fist connected with Harry's  stomach making him double over and grunt in pain. "That's what you get for being a nerd and a fag!" he heard, just before seeing the three boys sauntering off along the hall as if nothing had happened. Harry slid down to the ground and sat with his back to the wall trying desperately to stop the tears that were gathering in his eyes from running down his face. After a while he stood up and gathered up his books that lay scattered on the floor. As English had been his last lesson of the day he left the school, casting worried glances around and checking for anyone that might still be near. He swiftly walked to the nearest station and caught the tube back to his house. It was getting dark by now so he hurriedly unlocked his front door, took off his shoes and slumped down onto the sofa. He sighed and lifted up his shirt seeing a blue and green bruise blooming on his stomach. It was hidden slightly by the large butterfly he had tattooed there which nobody knew about. Except the school nurse of course - for obvious reasons. Getting up he went into the kitchen to get an ice pack to stop the bruising. Once he had succesfully tied it around his middle with a dressing gown belt and feeling rather proud of himself, he sat down to do his homework and finish the essay he was supposed to be handing in tomorrow. Harry was smart and got good grades which is why he got a scholarship for university in London. He would never have been able to afford it, let alone pay for a flat aswell. At the weekends he worked in a bakery down the road to pay his rent. He got by but didn't have much to spare. Harry however had a reason why he did so well in school, especially history and English. He had a secret.

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