chapter 5

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Harry's POV:

I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm clock, god I hate mariba!

I lazily got out of bed dreading to even think about the day ahead of me. I couldn't stop thinking about it last light I barely got any sleep at all.The only thing running through my mind was holy fucking shit! on repeat.

Yesterday evening before my mum and dad went on another who knows how long business trip honestly I think they just do it to get away from me I rarely ever see them and every time they are in town they go out with friends or out to dinners and they never even invite me to go with them, which used to hurt but I've just gotten used to it and I don't really care anymore plus I have Mary who has worked with our family since before I can remember, anyways what I was saying before I went on a rant about my sad life,

my mum called Louis' mum to talk about our schedule for the whole two months, and apparently today after school me and Louis and I are coming back to my house and staying for two weeks and after we will spend another two weeks at his house and that's how it's gonna go until our time is up.

I think it's really unfair that I have to do this, this is my first offence couldn't they have picked someone just a little bit more troublesome to test out their stupid new punishment which I feel should be illegal by the way. Like seriously they can't just do that!

After brushing my teeth and flossing I walked over to my closet once again going through my usual routine.

I walked into school by myself not finding Niall outside hoping he's at his lockers. I still haven't told him about the whole me and Louis being handcuffed together thing but knowing Niall he is probably just gonna laugh at how unlucky I am.

I spotted the blond with a frustrated look on his face struggling to open his locker he should really tell the principle about that he's had trouble with it since 8th grade.

"Hey Niall" I greeted with a down tone he turned around with an excited look "OH MY GOD MARCEL! I HEARD ABOUT THE FIGHT! OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK? DID YOU KICK HIS ASS?! OH OH HOW MUCH TROUBLE DID YOU GET IN WAIT DID YOU GET CAUGHT?" Niall rushed out finally taking a breath waiting for and answer

"To answer your first question yes I am ok and strangely it was a fair fight honestly I thought he would be stronger when taken on and yes we did get caught it was in the middle of the cafeteria for Crackers sake" I explained.

Niall looked at me as if asking me to continue,

I explained the whole situation to him

Of course the first thing he did was laugh, quite loudly may I add catching people's attention.

"Is that even legal?" He managed out still trying to catch his breath "that's exactly what I was thinking!

But apparently it is"

"So who's house are you guys staying at?" Niall asked now curious "we organized a schedule we send the first two weeks at my house the the next two weeks in his house and so on" I replied in a bored tone

"Wait to you guys are going to go to your house after school?!" Niall asked seeming slightly scared


"Aren't your parents away for a while?" He asked again making me confused as to why he has such an alarming tone.

"Yeah...but aren't they always , what's your point?"

"My point is you are going to be in a house alone with Louis Tomlinson! And you are literally gonna be stuck to him what if he gets angry?! I would be left alone to plan your funeral! What if he gets horny Harry!?! He could rape you! HE COULD RAPE YOU!"

Niall yelled/whispered in my face shaking my shoulders to get his point across.

And shit he was right I would be alone with Louis..

"Wait Mary will be there!" I exclaimed feeling slightly relieved

"Yeah until eight o'clock she doesn't sleep at your house anymore"

Niall replied totally ruining my vibe ugh "what am I gonna do!?! He is going to kill me!"

"I would come over but I have to go out dinner with my family tonight Greg is coming over today" Niall replied biting his lip a thing he does when he gets nervous.

The bell rung interrupting our conversation.

I said goodbye to Niall and headed to my first class scared as hell thinking about being alone in a house with Louis.

Why does the world hate me so much.


17 minutes left until class ends. I'm in my last class of the day which is geography and I can't concentrate I'm freaking out!!

I hands are literally shaking so much and I can't stop tapping my leg I've been like this all day Niall tried calming me down but that obviously didn't work, I also haven't seen Louis all day thank god I'm hoping he's out but he's most likely not plus the sooner this thing starts the sooner it will end.

9 minutes, oh god what if I have to use the bathroom? Would he have to come with me? They can't do that I'll have to talk to Mr Cowell about that, oh god 5 minutes

When I die tell luke Hemmings him and his sexiness.......ignore that.....

2 minutes......

1 minute....

shit! I don't wanna go you can't make me! I never wanna leave!  "Harry you ok there?" Mr Murs asked making me look up "am y-y-yeah of course i'm great" I replied with a weak smile packing my things and walking out of the classroom as slowly as i could making my way to Mr Cowell's office.

I would like to say my last goodbyes now because when i get hand cuffed to that prick who hates me for who knows why , Louis Tomlinson.....



Hi so I almost deleted this story because I wrote 2 chapters and i was gonna update but it all got deleted and I was so angry but I got over it and now I'm gonna start writing it again :) oh and I'm changing this so it's just a larry story and not loucel but the way harry's appearance is still as marcel if you get what i mean so, comment love you

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